Vyse's route notes Vyse: Super Outdated, Now I would say this route is for Practicing only.
Vyse's route notes Vyse: Super Outdated, Now I would say this route is for Practicing only.
Atualizado 7 years ago por Bingchang


First thing to know is that gaining stats is different from the N64 version. If you have done runs of the N64 version, then get ready for a difficulty spike.

HP: boosted 10% by either attacking directly or being hit with a normal attack

MP: boosted 6% by hitting with a spell

Agility: boosted 10% per space of movement in a given turn (20% by moving diagonal)

Defense: boosted 3% every 3 HPs of damage taken (carries over when resting at an inn)

I recommend moving about in EVERY Battle in this game to Increase Agility. Every Stat is very important in this game. Funny though as MP will probably be the lowest stat in the end.

Magic Barrior will NOT be used in this run. From my experience with using it in this version, it seems useless. Not only does the chance of it working seem even WORSE then the N64 Version, but it has one very huge flaw. It runs out on the enemies turn, meaning that it technically lasts one turn less then the N64 Version. Even if you get it to work the best I have got was ether endless loop of Sheilding and healing, or Shield, heal, attack, get damaged, Magic Barrior fail(IT WILL FAIL AT LEAST ONE OR TWICE), Killed.

If people end up wanting a run with Magic Barrior, it'll be its own Category. MB Any% is a good name it call it. I won't route it though so just take these notes and adjust for it or something.


Start off by going left and into the House. Grab the Spirit and put it into Wind(You're going tp keep adding up Wind until stated later). Now leave house and head down until in Town.

Now head down, go right between some houses, and keeping going right into a fense. First go down right and get the Spirit, then go into the house in the fense above. First fight and just spam Wind Cutter Lvl 1 until dead. Once cutscene over head back to the castle. DO NOT GET THE CHEST IN HOUSE AFTER FIGHT.

Once cutscene is done follow path doing down until you need to go left. Head even further left into the kitchen. Go left and get the Chest with Honey Bread, talk to man to get Fresh Bread, and now leave the castle. Go back to Town, go down the left between building(Note that I said Building and NOT Fense) and enter the Wing Shop and grab the White Wings. Leave and go through Big Single Door to leave Town.

Now follow the path until you reach the sign and then head up into City. Run from all fight unless you see 3 Rabbits. You want to encounter 2 Battles like this. First one you keep using Physical Attacks on them until you're down to one last Rabbit with one hit to go. Now waste your turns and keep taking damage until you're down to 3 HP. Make sure to keep moving while skipping turns in order to increase Agility. Kill the Rabbit and after the battle use Fresh Bread to heal. 2nd Rabbit Fight just use Physical Attacks to kill them all.

Now head up and into the Inn. Talk to the lady behind the counter to get a Fresh Bread and the Lady next to the counter to get a Dew Drop. Leave Inn and head next Door into the Wing Shop and grab the Yellow Wings. Leave and head left until you can go down then right to pick up a Spirit. Now head back to the Inn, but go right and up past the Inn and head into the Castle.

Head left and up the Stairs. Go right, up, left, and through the Doors. This is Flora's Room and a cutscene with play. After the Cutscene, you'll enter a fight. Use Wind Cutter Lvl 2 until fights over. After Cutscene go down to leave Throne Room. Now head back into Flors'a Room and Grab all the Chests(2 Fresh Breads and a Dew Drop). Now leave the Castle and leave the City.

Now go all the way down and into the Forest. Now at anytime in this forest you reach #9 on Wind Element, start increasing Fire.

Run from all fights except 3 Dogs/Wolfs. You need 3 of these fights. In the first fight, keep taking a bunch of damage while using Wind Cutter Lvl 2. Make sure to keep moving while skipping turns in order to increase Agility. At anytime you run out of MP, DON'T use a Dew Drop and just skip you turn 2 times in battle and use Wind Cutter Lvl 2. When low on HP(Under 20), Finish the First fight. 2nd and 3rd fights, just try to kill them. Use a Fresh Bread when Very low on HP(Under 5 HP).

Head left and on next screen head left, enter house, get the Spirit, leave, and head up. Keep going up until you can head right. You'll see a Spirit you get get. After getting it, head to the Upper Right corner and grab anoher Spirit. Now head back left to where you start to go right.

Up is where you reach a path that goes all the way to the Boss Solvaring. Before you do, make sure you have at least 35 HP remaining, 9 in Wind Element and 4 or 5(Hopefully 5) in Fire Element. Also make sure your Agility is at the verge of reaching 24. You're going to want 24 Agility after the fight.

Use 2 Wind Cutter Lvl 2s and the Boss should go down. The Cutscene will now send you back to the City to see the King.

Now go to the room behind the Throne. Grab the Spirit and the left Chest. Leave the room and go right and Up Stairs. Grab the Left chest and the closer right chest. Now leave the City and head back into the Forest.

Go up this time and on the next Screen head right. While going through, make sure to get into one more 3 Dog/Wolf fight and just Use Wind Cutter to kill them. You'll see a Spirit along the way to pick up. Continue moving right then up a little then left all the way. Once your only option is up, head up and exit the Forest.

At this Point if at anytime your Fire Element Hits 12, Start Increasing Earth.

This section is an annoying Overworld maze with 2 Spirits in it and another Spirit at the end. I suggest going through it yourself to remember the right path to get through it. Also make sure to save at least 1 Fresh Bread for after this section.

Run from all fights except the Worm looking enemies. For 2 fights with the worms, do a hit and run strategy. Skip first turn, Physical attack the worm closer to you, then move away from said work and skip turn. After the worm you keep hiiting dies or gets to close to you, then spam Fire Ball Lvl 2 until the fights over. If you have an extra Fresh Bread from counting for the Fresh Bread for later, use it after First fight.

Now at the end after grabbing the Spirit there, you want you're stats to be the Following.

HP: 52 or more MP: 20 or more Agility: MUST be at least 24. Defense: 16 or more. Water: 1 Wind: 9 Fire: 12 Earth: 2 or more

Go in the House and talk to the Lady behind the counter to heal up. Now talk to the man to enter a cutscene and get on the boat.

You'll be attack by a Pirate named Kiliac. This feels like the first true Boss of the game. He'll attack first. HOLD RIGHT. If he hits you with that Cyclone attack of his at Point Blank Range, you'll get Combo hit and most likely die. Bosses' Cyclones can Combo hit, but your Cyclone if you get it can't Combo hit. THAT IS SOME BS RIGHT THERE. Now stay far right and use Homming Arrow Lvl 1(Fire and Wind). Move to Up right Corner when he attacks. Use Same Attack again. Now Hold Up. Finish him off with another Homming Arrow Lvl 1.

Once Cutscene is over, head into the House and talk person to heal up. Now follow along the path. You'll probably need to use the Freah Bread I said to keep. Run from all the fights. Get the Spirit you see along the way. Once the path splits, head up and then move to the right opening to get another Spirit. Now head back and up into the Town.

Talk to the Lady straight ahead and after the cutscene, head back and get the 3 Spirits and add them to Water. You should have 4 Water and 4 Earth. That gives you Healing Lvl 1. Now go back to that Ice Cave.

Start Increasing your Fire until it's 16, then continue increasing Earth.

Now during your run through of this place you want to get 2 different encounters. You want to get the 2 SkullBats Fight First, then a Fight with 3 Ice Scorpions.

The First Fight you want to use Physical Attacks on the Bats until the last bat is down to 1 or 2 hits. Then stay close to it and let it keep hitting you while you move 1 space, heal, and skip turn. Do this for 3 minutes and then kill the bat. You should have near full HP and near 20 MP.

For the 3 Ice Scorpions you want to use Physical Attack on the Scorpion that will reach under you. Move 1 space then heal or attack. The other 2 Scorpions will move above you and one of them won't get to attack until the very end. At the very end when you run low on HP and MP(30 something HP and 6 MP), finish it off with Fire.

Move right until you have to go up and keep going until you reach a dead end with a Spirit. Grab it then leave the dead end and head left and grab another Spirit. Now move left a little and up until you grab another Spirit. Head left until you can't, move down, right, and another Spirit in a dead end. Leave dead end, up and get the Chest in the corner. Now go left, up, and left following the path until cutscene takes over.

Leave Town once cutscene is over. Use a Honey Bread(Or a Fresh Bread instead if your lucky) and Dew Drop to fully heal.

Go down and then left over the Bridge. Follow path and run from all fights(While healing) until you see a house. Enter to house only if you need to rest(HP under 30 and MP under 20). Go down and left down in a small dead end with a Spirit. Now go right around the mountian down until you reach the Cave.

Run from all fights and use Healing Lvl 1 when Hp is lowered to 36 or so. Go right all the way and up all the way until you can go ether left or right. Head right and up into the next screen. Keep going up until you see a 4-way. DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE OF GOING UP. First go left and grab another Spirit.

Make sure you are fully healed and have at least 12 MP, though 14 MP would be better. Make sure your Max stats are the following.

HP: 53 or more MP: 24 or More Agility: 28 or more Defense: 23 or more Water: 4 Wind: 9 Fire: 16 Earth: 7 or more

Now head up into a Boss Fight with a Dragon. This Boss can be a huge run killer. At the start, he'll attack. Move right a little then up. You'll still get hit, but hopefully not die. Now move top right and use Fire ball Lvl 3. Move up to dodge. Make sure to keep moving up to the top right corner before attacking. After a total of 4 Fire Ball Lvl 3s, the Dragon should die. Sometimes RNG will screw you over and you'll get killed on the first attack or he'll manage to attack and hit you later on.

After the fight, if you had 14 MP, use should have 2 MP left to Heal. If not, then just continue along the path into the Town and hope you don't get killed along the way.

Go to the right near the first house you see, but go in the fense and get the Spirit and Put it in Water. Now go all the way up left and you'll see 3 Windmill Towers. Go in the 2nd and 3rd ones and get the items in there. Now go to the house that is to the right of the first house you saw. It's a Wing Shop so go and get the Green Wings. Now go out into the fense there and add both of those spirits to water.

Now you'll continue adding to earth again until it reaches 13. Now use the White Wings to head back to the very first town of the game.

Go all the way right back into the house of the fense area. Grab the chest with a Fresh Bread. Now leave the house and use the Green Wings to head back. Now go back into the Wing Shop and get more Green Wings.

Now from the Wing Shop follow the dirt path up, left, and up into the Inn. Head upstairs and BEFORE you talk to the Green Guy in the center, Use a Fresh Bread to heal HP. You don't need to heal MP. You should have ether 2 Fresh Bread and a Honey Bread, or 3 Fresh Breads left. Now talk to him. This Leonardo will challenge you to a duel.

Right off the bat, he'll use a weird Air Wall Travel Attack(2 rows per round of attack). It will happen 3 rounds in a row for one long attack. Each time it hits you with one row it hits you 2 times. You want to get 6 times or 3 rows. If you think the 3rd row might kill you, then after the 4 hits(2 rows), go Top-Right to dodge.

Anytime you take some damage on on purpose, use a Bread to heal. Take damage until you're down to low HP and one Bread, then start using Heal Lvl 1. You want to get attack for 15 Turns. Now go all the way Top-Right, but then go left one. Now he should get closer, if he doesn't you'll just have to keep waiting in that spot until he does. After that then go right all the way and use a Physical Attack on him. He sure now move more right against the wall. Now he's in a spot where you can spam Physical attack him until he dies and you'll get some Max HP boost out of it. Also you can move left one Physical attack and right one Physical atttack so you can increase Agility too. Whenever he does the Air Wall attack you don't want to get hit, just hold right.

After the fight, use Heal Lvl 1 to heal up, leave the Inn, and go right to leave the town.

Once earth reaches 13, start adding to Water again until it reaches 13.

While going through this forest you want to have 2 fights with 2 Ants. The First fight you want to get close to them. Use Physical attacks to kill them. When you do, they will use Physical atacks on you. Make sure to keep your HP up with Heal Lvl 1 and Bread. The 2nd time you fight them, you'll be able to do the Heal Lvl 1 and Physical Attack grind on them. Make sure to be next to them as well to take Physical damge as well to grind your HP Even faster. On this 2nd Fight, try to grind a total of 220 Physical hits, counting both yours and the enemies. After the 2nd fight, you should have plenty of MP.

This is a very simple Forest. Just follow the path into the next screen. Now go all the way up into a dead end and grab the Spirit. Now go back to head right and follow path into next screen. Follow path again to next Screen.

Now take the upper-right path and then go up in the dead end and grab the chest. Now go back right and then up near the house and grab the spirit. Go into the house and grab the spirit. Leave house and head up into the next screen.

Follow the path, but before going left into the Boss fight, make sure your HP is over 45 and MP of 9 or more. If not, use a Dew Drop then Heal Lvl 1.

Your Stats should be the following.

Hp: 84 or More MP: 28 or More Agility: 34 or More Defense: 40 or More Water: 9 Wind: 9 Fire: 16 Earth: 13

Zelse is super easy. Just go next to him and use Avalanche 3 times. Afterwards and after the cutscene, you'll be on and in a Boat.

Grab the Spirit and then talk to the guy blocking the downstairs to Full Heal. Then leave and you'll be in a "Boss Fight" with a fish. Keep using Homing Arrows Lvl 1 on the fish.

Now a cutscene with play and end into another house. Now when your Water reaches 12, you'll be adding into Wind.

Start by entering the small door there. Grab the Spirit in here, leave the room, and leave the house. Grab the spirit there, go left and grab another spirit. Now follow the path until you see a circle of rocks. Grab the 2 Spirits here while making sure not to stand in the middle of everything. Once you get the Spirits you can go in the middle.

Now follow the path all the way and talk to the person there. Time for another Boss Fight.

Your Wind should have just hit 14 and you should now have Homing Arrow Lvl 2. Use that on the Boss and it'll go down. Also put the Spirit you won into Water.

You'll be putting a lot of spirits into Wind now. All the way to 25

Now you'll have to walk all the way back to the house as the Exit spell won't work. Once inside the house talk to lady to Full Heal and then the man to move on.

Once cutscene is over follow the path, pick up the spirit along the way, and then head right and north to the city.

Now go to the far left and grab the Spirit in the fense area and the spirit up-left at the end of a dirt path. Go to-middle towards the castle, grab the spirit, and head into the castle.

Go up the left stairs, grab the spirit, and through the doors. Go into the left-most door, grab the very top chest, leave the room, go right, and up the stairs. Go into to-left room for a spirit, leave room, bottom-left room for spirit, and now leave the castle.

Head back into the city and far right. Grab the spirit at the end of the dirt path there and then enter the small tower there. Grab the spirit on the second floor, leave tower and then head bottom-right to grab another spirit in the fense area. Now leave the city.

Once Wind reaches Lvl 25 start putting them in water.

Go down through the grass path to find a spirit to the right. Now go left down follow path until you see a small grass path that you can just fit in and get the spirit there. Now follow the path to reach a more dirt area witha spirit to the left to grab. Go down and enter the house to grab 2 more spirits. Leave house and follow path and into the cave.

Now follow path until you can go left, follow path then left, up, far right, and down to grab a spirit. Now go all the way up, grab another spirit along the way, and into the next screen.

Go left, down, and straight down into a boss fight. I have 28 in Wind for this fight.

Use Wind Cutter Lvl 3 in this fight until you can get behind him, then use Wind Bomb. Try to dodge some of the fire of his Fire Dragon he likes to summon. Use Heal Lvl 2 if you need to heal.

Follow path and then head up and left into the next screen. Now Keep going left until you see the 3rd down. Go down there left and down into a dead end with a chest. Grab it and head back up, then left and around and grab a spirit. Once you grab the spirit, go right, up, right down, and down into the Boss Fight.

BEFORE BOSS FIGHT make sure to fully heal up with Heal spells and then use a Dew Drop to heal your MP.

You should have the following in spells.

Water: 20 Wind: 25 Fire: 16 Earth: 13

This is the hardest fight in the game so far. Use Ice Knife in this fight. Reach the middle of arena for an "easier time" of dodging his giant fire balls. If you go down to 60, use Heal Lvl 1 to heal. If you are down under 50, Heal Lvl 2 instead. Once you get hit by the Giant Fireballs, you'll have to use a healing item most likely. RNG Dodging fun.

Put the Winning Spirit in Wind and now continue adding to Wind until it reaches 35.

Now after the Boss, head far down right(Weird square path), then left, up, follow path until another up, which you can get a Spirit. Then Down until you can go left or right. Go right and get a Dew Drop. Head left now, down, and out.

Enter the house, get the Spirit, and talk to person to Full Heal.

Now Head ALL THE WAY DOWN-RIGHT until you see a Square thing with a marking on it. Step on it to enter a collection.

A lot of Spirits to pick up are here. If at any time your Wind reaches 35, start adding into Earth.

Go left to pick up a Spirit and go right to pick up a Spirit. Now enter in the middle. Now open the Bottom right chest, of the 2 chest on the right side pick the top one, and the top-left chest. Open those 3 chest in that order. Now pick up the Right Spirit first, pick up the other Spirit, and go up the left stairs. Get that upper Spirit, then go around up the stairs, grab the Spirit to the right, and into the ruins again. Grab the 2 Spirits here and the Chest. The Chest contains a Golden Amulet. SAVE IT. Now leave the whole ruins.

Go back far Up-left to leave the Desert section. Go up-left and you'll see a narrow path. Go through and go left until you can go up. You'll find a Spirit up there. Go back and take the right of the 2 paths as it leads to another Spirit behind the Town Ruins. Now take the left path down and left down again to get another spirit. Go back up around right down, follow path, don't go through the fist narrow path down. Go through the second to get a Spirit and go throught the 3rd to reach the cave.

Go left until you can't, down until you see a left and right, go left and keep going left to leave the cave. Easier Cave EVER.

Now follow the path pikcing up Spirits. Go through the first left path you see. Get the spirit and enter the house/inn. Go up stairs and you'll see even more chests. First Room get the top-left chest, 2nd room the right chest, and pick up the Spirit. Leave the House/Inn.

Now Follow the Bottom Right path and you end up going left and get another Spirit. Go up and right to get another Spirit, and go left and into the City.

Now go into the Wing Shop and get some Black Wings. Leave the shop and then go up to leave the City.

Now go to the Castle, but go around the back. Before entering though make sure your HP is over 70. Use a Dew Drop if MP under 6.

You stats should be the following.

HP: 86 or More MP: 35 or More Agility: 35 or More Defense: 48 or More Water: 20 Wind: 35 Fire: 16 Earth: 22 or More

Enter and after the Cutscene a Boss Fight. Use Wind Cutter Lvl 3 until fight ends. Now he'll test you for real. Use Wind Cutter Lvl 3 while trying to get behind him. Once behind him use Wind Bomb. You'll need to use the Dew Drop if you haven't before. Make sure to use Heal Lvl 2 from time to time as his Ice Circle Attack can be somewhat dodged, but still does a good amount of damage.

Afterwards a huge cutscene will happen. Once over you'll be....at the start of the game? So yeah if you didn't get the Black Wings you'd have to walk all the way back. Most BS part of the game. Go Full Heal and then go outside, use the Black Wings and head down to leave the City.

Now you need to backtrack to the Desert Ruin that had all of the Spirits and chest. On the way, stop by the Town Ruins Full Heal at the Inn by talking to the person 2 times. Once at the Desert Ruins, reach the Top and you'll have another Boss Fight.

You need to get close to the Boss and use Avalanche. First turn use Magnet Rock. When you do get close to the Boss, make your feet are in the same position as the Boss's, but then your 1 movement above that. Make sure you are always in that position everytime. That way when the Boss attack witha Pink Wind attack, you can hold up to take less damage. Use 1 healing item at some point during the battle if you don't want to take a risk.

Put the winning Spirit in Water. After the cutscene, leave the Ruins. Once outside, use the Yellow Wings.

In the town, go back and get more Yellow Wings. Go left of the Town and go in the Top-Left House. Once cutscene is over, use Green Wings. Go to the Town's Inn to Full Heal. Go right to leave Town.

Now start killing enemies and grind until you have 30 in Fire and 25 in Water. Once done, go back to Inn to Full Heal, then go down to leave town.

Follow path and you'll enter the Boss Fight.

Move to the Top-Right and use Spirit Armor Lvl 2. Start using Homing Arrow Lvl 2 to attack. You'll be healing, using Spirit Armor Lv 2, and Homing Arrow Lvl 2 in this fight. Also you can't restart how long Spirit Armor Lasts so heal in the meantime.

Put Winning Spirit in Wind. After Cutscene use Yellow Winds and enter that top-left house again after you use Heal Lvl 2 and the Leaf to heal you MP. After another Cutscene, another Boss.

Walk around him and use Wind Bomb. Use Spirit Armor on first turn. Make sure to temperarely walk away from him when he attacks becuase that fire spin attack he has is dangerous.

Put Winning Spirit in Wind.

After the Cutscene, follow the path, but don't go into the door yet. It's time for one more Grind. First Grind until your Wind is 50. Then Grind your Defense to 62. Try the White Rose Knights to Increse HP while grinding defense early on. Now use Heal Lvl 2 to heal up. Now go through the door.

Boss Time once again. Start using Spirit Armor and then get behind him and use Wind Bomb. Heal when HP is under 65.

Follow path until you enter a house. Go down to leave the house. Follow path again until you see a Dark Version of the first Town in the game. Head towards the castle. Follow the path and at some point end up in a cutscene. Say yes to Full Heal. Now follow the path until you see a different color in the sky/baclground. Full Heal up with items. Now move on and into the Final Boss.

Start off with moving towards the Boss and use the Gold Amulet Item. Next move close to top-left most of the arena and heal up. Stay on the top-left most area while using Wind Cutter Lvl 3, Spirit Armor Lvl 2 when your defense goes away, and Heal up after Spirit Armor Lvl 2. Repeat and the boss will go down at some point.

Estatísticas do jogo