Does anyone have a good explanation on how to do skip , when you skip animation of climbing up perfect chaos before hurting him in Super sonics story?
I cant get it consistently. thanks
This is called a perfect hit. It's not very hard to do but it's a bit hard to perform all the 6 perfect hits in one run. So to do it you have two different ways, one is more precise and harder than the other one but saves some centiseconds. The easiest way : when you are at the middle / end of the tornado, put your stick down and press jump if you do it in the wrong order or too late you will have the animation. if it's too early sonic will just jump and miss the entire hit.
The harder way : you have to jump before going in the tornado and when you're about to hit the tornado, put your stick left or right (maybe down works too i've never tried). This is very precise i don't recommend you do it unless you want to grind some frames.
The trick saves a second on 1 hit so 6 seconds if all are done. It requires some practice but you will get used to it If you still have problems with it don't forget to watch runners with their imputs. Good luck and have fun ;)
Hi all, just an update on the console boards...
XBLA and PSN have been separated into different sub-categories. While this may stifle competition in the console boards overall, it should make things more fair.
I have manually retimed all of the XBLA runs above a certain time threshold without cuts