I found something.
1 year ago
United States

So, while flying around in noclip at the level woth paradox poster, i found that way back out of bounds there's this black box that when I went into I got tped to chapter 8, I think these boxes are in every level but I'm not sure, I'll provide proof later, if we are gonna allow this skip, can we call it ringportal? Edit: I think I saw a white wall box next to it, also can this be banned unless it's a separate category

Editado por o autor 1 year ago

watch single player SLA record

EllaTAS e Rigno curtiu isso
United States

Oh, I'm kinda new :/

Florida, USA

Those are transition boxes, they're in (most) maps and are what allows the game logic to transition maps to work properly. They're already incorporated into multiple categories (Any% (SLA), Portal Placement Never Fail) and usually abusing them is called B.O.o.B.

AlexAdvDev, AMJofficial e 2 outros curtiu isso
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