Rule Change Vote on allowing Set Layout in Random Seed
Rule Change Vote on allowing Set Layout in Random Seed
Postado 10 months ago por

Rule Change Vote: Allowing Set Layout in Random Seed.

Recently the community has been discussing a possible rule change to allow set layouts in Random Seed submissions for our rules.

With the option "Seed Affects Layout Only", cards and blueprints will still be randomized, the issue at hand is allowing the seed option to generate a layout. We have found that the following 3 options are viable, and will change the rules according to the results of the poll linked below.

Allow Set Layouts for ALL Random Seed Submissions:

This option would allow the use of a Seed to determine the layout of a restaurant.

Allow Set Layouts for Trios and Quads Random Seed Submissions:

This option would allow the use of a Seed to determine the layout of a restaurant only for Trio and Quad runs. Solo and Duo submissions may NOT use a seed for layouts.

Do not allow Set Layouts for ANY Random Seed Submission:

This is the current rule, and disallows use of any seeds for layouts.

We ask that you please be informed before voting. Turn off mods such as Layout Generator, and Extra Options, then reroll layouts trying to find a viable speedrun layout for Duos/Trios/and Quads. As many of you have already know, there was a large discussion on this in the Discord Speedrun-Discussion channel, and verifiers have been hard at work testing various scenarios.

Thank you all, and Happy Plating!


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Speedrun Community Feedback

Hi there Speedrunners,

Thanks again to everyone on Discord who filled out the feedback form to impact the future of PlateUp! speedrunning. Our team has gone through all your responses from the feedback form and put together this [Speedrun Community Feedback Summary](

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