How to even play the game?
6 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I have a mild interest in speedrunning the game. but I feel like I should play it normally first, how would I do this? I own no Nintendo product, so wouldn't I need an emulator? and if so. what one? and after that, is there anything else I need?


How about starting by downloading any emulator that can run pokemon red/blue and then find a ROM for whichever one you choose. Then just play through the game. Or just watch other people's play through of the game.

Bogdan_mk curtiram isso
Minnesota, USA

what emulator and ROM should I use though? any links?

United States

Look at the side bar, "Guides" "Resources"

Bogdan_mk e Ultra9TMB curtiu isso
Minnesota, USA

chillmagic, sorry if im being dumb, but I need an step by step process...


Wtf is this thread even

chillmagic420 curtiram isso
United States

Get a Gameboy to enjoy it like everybody did on their first playthrough

607 e Bogdan_mk curtiu isso