new catagory idea
3 years ago
Arkansas, USA

I thought of a catagor called any% all gyms, where it allows you to abuse trainer fly and missingno, and other glitches, but you have to go and beat all 8 gyms, the elite 4 and the end rival fight. I have already started planning a route starting with charmander, so you can get a lev. 100 gengar before brock, and i started using an RNG manip to get an encounter infront of the last bug catcher in viridian. i think it would be a good catagory, because the current any% catagorys either, dont even make it to the first gym before ending, or dont use glitches hardly at all.


Have you checked out Reverse Badge Acquisition? The concept is somewhat similar, except you don't have to physically fight the E4

Arkansas, USA

I think this needs to be a seperate catagory, because you can do more than any% glitchless, and there are tons of other routes used. Im saying, fight the E4, and all gyms in the correct order, but you can use the walk through walls glitch to skip mt. moon, and use the lev. 100 before brock to go through the game faster, and use missingno item dupelacation for potions and/or tms. I think this is a great oprotunity for a new catagory. if you want , I can give an example run within the next week or 2. i have tested and all these things work on hardware perferred for submission, but I currently only have acces to an online emu called Eclipse, so that is the hardware the ex run will be on. Rules (may change) glitches such as trainer fly, old man/missingno, walk through walls, exp underflow, and bike shop no voucher is allowed any form of save corruption is banned save and quit is allowed and so is hard resetting the console durring the run you must beat the 8 gyms in the reosonable order(I perfer fushia before saffron, but that can be changed) and the E4 must be faught normal timing rules. sorry this is so long, I just think its the perfect oprotunity for something cool. i find it as an in between for all the any% catagories. pleas consider this and let me know if you want an example run

United States

Just before you put too much into a complete run, this is from rules for pretty much all categories: "The only allowed emulator is the latest release of GambatteSpeedrun (Currently r717) with a GBC bios image. All other emulators are banned." Mods and the community are pretty open to adding categories, but I'll let you know it's more likely to get them added under category extensions here and the gen 1-3 discord is a good place to discuss stuff if you aren't on there already

Pear curtiram isso
Texas, USA

I've never gotten into Pokemon speedruns, but the idea that the OP has is an idea I always wanted to explore - basically Any% that still requires you beating the elite 4.

Are there any guides, or collection of guides, I could use to learn this RBO category? As stated, I've never looked into pokemon speedrunning, but this category is something that lines up with something I'd like.


(I'll also drop into the Discord.)

United States

Yea, there is a well documented route for RBO just check under #gen1-resources in the Discord


I'd imagine E4 would probably not be that challenging in a glitched run, I mean, even in glitchless it's not a particularly hard part as long as RNG is with you

The actually fun part of RBA/RBO is to obtain a level 100 pokemon as fast as possible and glicth your way through different rooms

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