Any% Glitchless timing question
7 years ago
California, USA

Hey there ya'll! It's been many years since I've done a speed run of Pokemon Red, and I'm glad to see the community has grown considerably since I last looked. I checked out the rules for the Any% Glitchless run and they all seem familiar, besides the timing.

Back when I ran Pokemon Red, we used the in-game timer. I noticed the runs now use real time. I'm guessing the in-game timer is inaccurate, but has this been proven to be the case? If it's inaccurate, in what manner?

Also I noticed saves are allowed, but I assume runs have to be one single play-through right? No saving and adding segments times together?

Connecticut, USA

The in game timer is not inaccurate, but because the new route uses 3 save+quits, we don't use IGT because the time taken for resetting wouldn't be counted. And, yes, the runs can't be segmented, even though saves are allowed. I hope I have been of some assistance.

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