Version differences
3 years ago

I've been routing out the Genesis version for a few days with the intention of running it, and here's a list of differences I noted from the SNES version.

  1. Harry Jr. runs significantly faster in the SNES version. Shaves off several seconds every time you just run in a straight line.

  2. Obvious one: the SNES version skips two boss fights. Couldn't find a way to skip those in the Genesis version.

  3. The HP of the remaining bosses is much higher in the Genesis version, putting even more emphasis on ammo preservation.

  4. An extension of #1. Some of the tricks become nigh pixel-perfect, compared to the SNES version. E.g. the jump to the Hourglass platform in Level 2.

  5. You have to push the minecart in Level 3 to grab the rope in the Genesis version.

  6. The autoscroller minecart level is about 40 seconds longer in the Genesis version.

  7. There are additional human-possible skips and clips in the Genesis version saving about 20 seconds over the SNES version (these are missing in the current SNES TAS, haven't played the SNES version myself to verify it). E.g. the wall clip in Level 5 and the climb in Level 6.

  8. Dying resets your slingshot ammo to 20 in the Genesis version - which, combined with #2 and #3, puts more emphasis on health preservation as well.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

It's clear to me that the versions should be split. And yeah, unfortunately I couldn't find a way to replicate the Genesis-only wall clips in the SNES TAS... I had no idea those tricks were humanly possible though. GL on running the Genesis version, I'm curious to see what time you can achieve :)

Svipur e ROTFLandmines curtiu isso
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

All right, I have split the categories and added your run. Good job!

Svipur curtiram isso

Thankee! Now it's time to push this one a bit and see how low it can go. I'll prolly write up a guide after I'm done, there's tons of weird glitchy stuff.

United States

exciting to see some genesis love for pitfall! GL!

Svipur curtiram isso

To follow up on the subject of versions. I've been feeling out the Sega CD, 32x, and the PC versions for a bit, and I think these can be grouped into a single category (separate from the other versions) until the runs get more competitive. The reasons are as follows.

  1. The PC version is based on the Sega CD version to the extent that all the Sega-exclusive tech and skips work the same way in the PC version as well.

  2. The only exception to #1 is the Copan Temple skip, which requires skidding through the wall in the PC, 32x, and Jaguar versions (whilst we can just crawl through the floor seam in the Genesis/SNES/Sega CD versions). This only wastes an extra split second.

  3. The PC, Sega CD, and 32x versions all have the same extra three levels.

  4. The PC and Jaguar versions only support 3-button controls, losing you time on switching weapons.

  5. The Sega CD version has slightly longer loading times over PC, but this warrants more testing across different configs. The loading times on the 32x are negligible, probably making it the fastest version with extra levels.

I'll prolly submit a PC version speedrun shortly to showcase the tech used in the extra levels.

Also, if anyone's curious, the Jaguar version is also based on the Genesis version, with all the tech/skips working the same way there as well. It doesn't have the extra levels from the CD/32x/PC versions, and also loses some time on save game prompts after each level.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
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Postado 3 years ago
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