Postado 7 months ago por

Hello Everyone!

With this new update comes an addition of a new IL - Point Hope, and a partial board archival for the categories: All Maps, Small Maps, and Perfect%.

This partial archival is due to the fact that the new map Point Hope, is considered by the devs to be a small map and as such it will be included in both the Small Maps and All Maps categories.

Perfect% is being wiped due to the majority of runs making use of a glitch which was patched out of the game with this update and is no longer replicable.

Point Hope will now be available (it actually has been available for over a week now but I procrastinated on making this post, sorry) to be run in all IL categories/difficulties.

In addition to these changes we have also adjusted the cap on max time allowed for a run to be eligible. Before you fret though, 99% of previous runs would still have been valid under these new constraints. These times will be subject to change depending on how runners fair against the new constraints.

These are the new max times (Subject to change)

Maximum times allowed for individual levels are as follows:

  • Small Maps: 5 Minutes for Any% & Evidence% runs. 8 Minutes for 100% runs. 10 Minutes for Perfect% runs.
  • Medium Maps: 8 Minutes for Any% & Evidence% runs. 10 Minutes for 100% runs. 15 Minutes for Perfect% runs.
  • Large Maps: 10 Minutes for Any% and Evidence% runs. 15 Minutes for 100% runs. 18 Minutes for Perfect% runs.

Maximum times allowed for full game runs are as follows:

  • Small Maps: 45 Minutes for Any% & Evidence% runs. 1 Hour 100% runs. 1 Hour 15 Minutes for Perfect% runs. 1 Hour 30 Minutes for No Evidence runs.
  • Launch Maps: 45 Minutes for Any% & Evidence% runs. 1 Hour for 100% runs. 1 Hours 15 Minutes for Perfect% runs. 1 Hours 30 minutes for no Evidence runs.
  • All Maps: 1 Hours 15 Minutes for Any% & Evidence% runs. 1 Hours 30 Minutes for 100% runs. 1 Hours 45 Minutes for Perfect% runs. 2 Hours for no Evidence runs.
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Postado 1 year ago por

Hello Everyone!

Along with update 0.9 Ascension update comes a full board and category extension archival! This might be exciting for some and disappointing to others as it means all categories are now once again empty and wide open for anyone to take the top spot.

Why is archiving/wiping necessary? Because major changes to how the game’s mechanics function render old runs unrepeatable, but possibly of higher importance is that many runs can become unbeatable. This can make certain categories completely uncompetitive because old times would stand forever, and no one would be able to obtain a world record.

Now, what changes have been made?

· TrueAny% is now just called Any% though its ruleset remains the same as before, this was the category in which you could use deduction if you remember. This change was made because we felt this category is the closest we have, or plan to have at this moment, to literally finding the ghost by any means necessary (other than blind guessing of course.)

· The older previous Any% category has been renamed to Evidence% in order to reflect a change to its rules, that change is actually more of a reversion to how the category was previously ran. This means that for Evidence% you will be required to obtain all available evidence.

· Stack% now uses the Jenga blocks instead of paint cans since, you know, paint cans haven’t been in the game since 0.7.

· Thief 100% and Thief Co-op 100% have been removed for now, this category was very rarely ever run and was an absolutely bear to verify properly. It may make a comeback in the future with more specific stipulations that would make it either easier to verify or more interesting to run.

· Tutorial, as you might expect, now requires you complete the full tutorial rather than finding a ghost as the old tutorial had you do.

Finally, there have been some minor changes here and there in the wording or specifics of certain rules. Most of these were just made to give clarity to certain rules, or to update them to better reflect current mechanics or changes to rulesets. That being said, if you find a rule that doesn’t make sense, has errors, or seems outdated feel free to let us know and we’ll either clarify how the rule is meant to be interpreted or make changes to fix it or add clarity/readability.

To give feedback, be able to vote on or give opinion on future changes, or to seek help with anything regard speedrunning Phasmophobia you can come visit us at our discord, the link will be provided below:

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Postado 1 year ago por

Hello Everyone!

We have some new categories for our speedrunners to begin competing in, and have made changes to a couple of rules, including expanding acceptable ghost behaviors for Any%.

We are also re-opening applications to become a verifier! And will include information on how to apply down below.

The changes made are as follows:


  • TrueAny% Completion Category: This category is very similar to our current Any% rules; however, in this new category you are allowed to use deduction in order to figure out the identity of the ghost. This is more or less how most people play the game ordinarily and has been requested numerous times by those who desire to run in a way that seems like a natural transition from standard gameplay to speedrunning.

  • Should average times for this completion category, over a decent period of time, turn out to be in-line with the average Any% times, then we will consider merging the two categories. This would not be for a while though, as it would require an adequate sampling size in all maps/categories for accurate comparison.

  • What types of deduction are acceptable? Mostly types that involve the elimination of evidence and ghost types through logical reasoning. For example: in a non-nightmare difficulty the ghost knocks on the door and windows multiple times but leaves no fingerprints, since no evidence is being hidden there should be fingerprints if that evidence is one the ghost leaves; therefore, fingerprints as an evidence can be eliminated along with any ghosts who have fingerprints as one of their evidence pieces. Another example could be: The ghost has hunted and never gained line of sight, but during the hunt you noticed the ghost is either slower or faster than avg ghost speed, you may eliminate any ghost whose expected movement speed does not line up with what you have just observed.

  • Insanity Difficulty Category: This category is very similar to Nightmare difficulty, in that since some evidence is being hidden you are allowed to guess what the hidden evidence might have been.

  • WORD OF WARNING: If we feel that runners are not making an honest attempt to figure out what the ghost’s identity is and are just farming a single evidence in the lobby then guessing completely at random in hopes of being correct then we will modify the rules to require observing additional ghost behavior.


  • Wording changed regarding dying during a full-game run. If everyone dies in a regular run, or if anyone dies during a Perfect% run, instead of having to reset the entire run from the beginning you must simply reset that individual map.


  • The list of acceptable ghost behaviors that could be used to identify a ghost in Any% have been expanded to more accurately reflect what we consider to be definitive behavior that accurately distinguishes one ghost from the others. We have also linked in our rules the Phasmophobia wiki which lists the various ghost behaviors and are open to feedback on additional ghost behaviors that could be considered indisputable which we are not currently listing as allowable. If you would like to request a behavior be added that isn’t already on that list, please provide video evidence that demonstrates that the ghost behavior can clearly be distinguished from other ghost behaviors in a speedrunning setting.


  • If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a verifier for the Phasmophobia speedrunning community, please visit our discord and make a comment in the “verifier applications” channel. We prefer applicants who either speedrun the game now or used to. However, we will make exceptions for those who know the game well and are eager to give verifying a try.
  • Our only requirements are that applicants must be fluent enough in English to communicate with us and with runners who they might need to message, and that applicants have enough time to dedicate at least 30 minutes to an hour a week to verifying runs, which translates to about 5 – 10 individual level runs or 1 – 2 full game runs. If are not able to commit that much time to verifying, but are still interested, then please list in your application post how much time you would be willing to commit to verifying and we will take it into consideration.
  • To apply, please click on the link below to visit our discord and comment in the “verifier applications” channel: your SRC name (if applicable), how much time you would be willing to commit to verifying each week, and any other information you would like for us to know.
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Postado 2 years ago por

Hello Everyone!

We have a few, mostly minor, changes to our ruleset.

They are as follows:


  • Addition of a new legacy version version 0.3+
  • Combining of legacy versions 0.2 and 0.26 into 0.2+ (since there were only 2 runs in legacy 0.26)
  • Change of name from version 0.7 to version 0.7+


  • You can no longer use a ghost stepping in salt but leaving no footprints as evidence of Wraith because Wraith no longer will step in salt at all.
  • You are now allowed to use evidence of an Obake changing it's shape during a hunt since that is an ability they added to the game.
  • We changed the wording on the tutorial level rules since no one was actually doing the full tutorial. (Using the remote to go through the slideshow and the steps it lists). Now you just have to get the evidence and ghost, since that's what everyone was already doing anyways.
  • Clarified the wording on Appear% in category extensions, some runners didn't realize that you needed to actually see the ghost for it to count. Hopefully the new wording prevents future confusion.


  • Clarified that runs in the current version which were verified prior to these changes to the rules will be grandfathered in, and thus be allowed to remain up. While these runs might not be replicable, we believe they are still very much beatable based on times in past versions which is why we decided against archiving them for the time being.
  • For those who are unable to use microphones whether due to disability, environmental obstacles, or technological issues; You will be allowed to submit runs without the use of a microphone if, AND ONLY IF, you are using the in-game Text Recognition System. Anyone using this system must be recording, and the use of the system must be visible in that recording, even if you do not witness any evidence through it's use. This was not a previously available system and we're highly grateful to Kinetic for providing a wonderful new accessibility setting.
  • Clarified our minimum effort requirements to now include maximum allowed times for various categories. This should provide some better guidelines on what is and is not an minimum acceptable time for speedruns on the Phasmophobia SRC board. Your goal should not be to simply meet these requirements but to have runs that are competitive with other runs on the board, past and present.

PHASMOPHOBIA SPEEDRUNNING DISCORD: You may have not known this, but we have a discord! It's not the most active board in the world, but maybe you can help change that? All runners past, current, and prospective are welcome in. But, keep in mind that a basic level of decency is required of all participants (nothing crazy, just don't be rude, hateful, or a spammer). We don't exactly stay on topic all the time, or maybe even most of the time, but we are a relaxed community who have all played the game countless hours and either speedrun now or have in the past. We all love the game (for the most part) and are happy to have new members to share accomplishments, speedrunning advice, and memes with. Our Discord:

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Postado 2 years ago por

Board Changes: -Another board archive has been set in place due to the change of the new update. -200% Archived

ANY% CHANGES: -Any% is now what the name implies, complete objective 1 by any means possible. How you may ask? Since the beginning, people have asked about deducing the ghost by means of behavior, and it was always shrugged off as too inconsistent. However, as of now, with the changes and the great updates the game has gone through, we can safely say that there is a foolproof way of identifying the ghost through behavior, therefore THERE IS NO LONGER A REQUIREMENT FOR ANY% RUNS TO GET 3 EVIDENCES.

-What does this mean? This means that you'll now be able to use specific behaviors like the Banshee Wail, The Deogen speed, and Wraith Footsteps to correctly identify the ghost, and have it submitted as a speedrun under Any%. This however does not mean you can do the same for 100% and Perfect%, you still need the 3 evidences on recording for it as the name suggests.

-However, to avoid any discrepancies and miscommunication between the mod team and the runners, we have a list up on the SRC website under Any% rules that show you the minimum threshold of what is acceptable ghost behavior. There is however some ghosts that won't be allowed as speedruns like the Shade, where you go in and get nothing and just guess Shade.

-While we are accepting known ghost behaviors, this list is always subject to change as we learn more about the game.

-In addition to that, deduction is still strictly not allowed.

NEW: -New maps added to the leaderboard, Sunny Meadows and Camp Woodwind. (Not adding the restricted version of Sunny Meadows)

-Perfect% = You no longer need a picture of interaction and cursed possessions. You only are required a picture of the ghost and the bone, and the max money reward.

  • No Evidence Custom Category
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Postado 2 years ago por

Hey everyone!


In light of new changes, such as the new voice recognition system and the improved truck, we have decided to go forth and archive the 0.3 board as we concluded that most of those times are now unachievable due to the larger van, as it takes more time for you to exit the van. In addition to that, with our testing, it appears to be that the spirit box takes a lot longer to respond in comparison to the older patches, which further supports the idea that older runs might not be achievable. In regards to the category extension board, we are also archiving that for the same reason regarding the van, as times may not be as achievable anymore.

Finally, any runs submitted to the 0.3 board will be MOVED to the new 0.6+ board so that means, the runs that have been submitted are probably going to be world record for the time being!


We're proud to announce the new category called PERFECT%, where you need to get a perfect game. This means that it'll slightly mimic the rules of 200%, but in addition to filling up the book with photos.

What is required is: Maximum reward for photos, all evidence, all objectives. Required Photos:

  • Photo of the ghost
  • Interaction photo
  • Cursed possession photo
  • Bone

As for the other photos, you can pick whatever you'd like, as long as you get the perfect game!


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Postado 2 years ago por

Hey everyone!

Welcome to the official speedrunning page of Phasmophobia! We hope you have a wonderful time scrolling through our endless records and hopefully competing for some too! If you found this game from Summer Games Done Quick, we are more than glad to welcome you to our community! Feel free to join the discord at and tell us a bit about yourself! We'd love to meet you all :)

Special thanks to the runners at SGDQ (Brossentia, PeaceEgg, Flannelkat, and npc_lives) for representing our community! In addition to that, the absolute most special thanks goes to Nichole for hosting it and being the wonderful host that she was! It's a real pleasure to have a verifier of this community host this game!

  • The Phasmophobia SRC Mod Team
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Postado 3 years ago por

Hey everyone!

We are now accepting verifier applications once again! In addition to that, we also have a couple of opportunities that we can present with while helping out in verifying! We will additionally be moving forward with this community in terms of content creation and more publicity in the form of a youtube channel! In the channel, expect to see tournament highlights, guides, and impressive speedruns! After admission into the verifier team, there will be an opportunity to help out work on the channel and our social medias!

Youtube Channel: Twitter: Verifier Applications:

(What we expect from verifiers)

  • Good communication skills
  • Solid understanding of game mechanics
  • Decent amount of dedication to verifying runs. (You don't need to be active every day)

Good luck!

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0.10 Eventide Update! Partial Board Archival and Rule Changes.

With this new update comes an addition of a new IL - Point Hope, and a partial board archival for the categories: All Maps, Small Maps, and Perfect%.

This partial archival is due to the fact that the new map Point Hope, is considered by the devs to be a small map and as such it

7 months ago
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