Dedicated thread to gripe about the "Offline" rule
4 years ago
United States

To get ahead of the debate, I'm making this thread here to discuss the game-wide rule that all runs must be made in the "Offline" mode. My rationale for this rule was that the instability of adding an internet connection could influence the results of the game. However, I can understand this being a contentious rule, as most people will play online the majority of the time (especially if they're playing it casually).

Put your thoughts and opinions on this rule in this thread. I'll look over the arguments and try to make a decision that will make most of the community happy.

I've also created a strawpoll over the options as I see it. If you have an opinion on this, please respond to the poll (in addition to any comments you make here), so I can see what the general opinion is.

ghostshockrival curtiram isso
United States

The (current) decision is to allow online runs in empty lobbies. This was decided after talking to the developer and taking a brief look at the decompilation of the game's C# code and determining that the logic for physics and the race timer occur locally (enough) in online play to not be significantly different from offline play. It's still recommended that you play offline when specifically grinding for times to avoid people hopping in and invalidating the run, but runs won't be rejected simply for being played online.

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Postado 4 years ago
3 respostas
Postado 4 years ago
1 resposta