New In Real Life% rules
5 years ago

The rules for In Real Life% have been updated. Please make sure to read the new rules before doing a run as any violation will result in the run being rejected.

The major change is that the pencils have to be measured after the attempt.

Runs done before this rule change will obviously not be affected.

grntsz, Pear, e Otterstone_Gamer curtiu isso
Basque Country

Sooo… is not allowed to use any part of your body which doesnt been your hands Because that is what do actualy the exagerated WR of 11 minutes So would be unfair But okey, doesnt complain, nothing exagerqately bad lol

Alberta, Canada

the wr for 10 pencils drillless% cheated. he mounted the sharpener, which in the rules, it states that you can not mount anything. which invalidates the run.

4fast8 curtiram isso
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

They are not allowed to be mounted on anything that is not part of your body. The sharpener was mounted between the runner's knees. This falls within the category rules and is a valid strategy.

duckboycool, Bluey e 7 outros curtiu isso
California, USA

The current RL Drill less run WR uses pre sharpened pencils and rule 2 states "Pencils must be unsharpened, unmodified, 19cm (7.5in), #2 pencils made of only wood and graphite."

Editado por o autor 3 years ago