NívelPrimeiro lugar
1-0 The Cosmic String
1-1 The Talk of the Town
1-2 City Swinger
1-3 Burger Bonanza
1-4 Downtown Showdown
1-Boss Penguin Ball
2-1 Seasy Breezy
2-2 Hula Hoopla
2-Boss Sheila
3-1 Bull-In-One
3-2 Conveyor Feelings
3-3 Pepper Stepper
3-4 Sand-Blasted
3-Boss Mr. Q
4-1 Hot Pot
4-2 A Flavor to Savor
4-3 Out of the Frying Pan
5-1 Diving In
5-2 Making Waves
5-3 Spikey Spa Day
5-Boss Emperor Eddie
6-1 Reading the Room
6-2 Loopy Library
6-3 Speed Reader
6-4 Space Race
6-Boss Puppet Penny
7-1 Flip 'n Slide
7-2 Winging It
7-3 Breaking the Ice
8-1 Magnetic Attraction
8-2 Demolition Derby
8-Boss Biguin
9-1 Order in the Court
9-2 Tipping the Scales
9-3 The Flame of Justice
9-Boss Judge Rufus
10-1 All Decked Out
10-2 Skyscraper Skyway
11-1 Kingdom Come
11-2 Roll Out the Red Carpet
11-3 Razzle Dazzle
11-4 Ballroom Blitz
11-Boss Cosmic Colossus Eddie
Star-1 On a Roll
Star-2 Hoop Dreams
Star-3 Rocky Road
Star-4 Twirler Trouble
Star-5 Keeping Up
Star-6 Hot and Cold
Star-7 Fleet Feet Frenzy
Star-8 Fire Freeway
Star-9 Electro Swing
Star-10 Slippery Switches
Star-11 Burger Bash
Star-12 Meteor Mayhem
Star-13 Fireball Fling
Star-14 Needle Drop
Star-15 Wall-Kick Wallop
Estatísticas do jogo
Últimas notícias
Zips/Speen Merge Vote

EDIT: This vote has ended, zips will no longer have a restricted category and will now be submitted to Unrestricted. Thanks runners for voting on the matter!

Original Post: We are holding a vote for all runners of PBB soon regarding the potential merge of the tech into unrestricted (any%

11 months ago