OutRun leaderboard is needing some updates
10 months ago

Hello OutRunners,

I was told by the super moderator of this game that I'm not allowed to contact them in DM unless "it's super super important" because "I'm trying to mod the game by myself" so I'll have to leave my comments here from now on so everyone can agree or disagree with me, as a community:

  • The "Saturn" platform needs to be removed from the leaderboard's options to avoid confusion with the Saturn leaderboard here: Sega Ages OutRun (Saturn) - Speedrun.com

  • I suggest all splits to be added in comments under each sub-5 run (we do that for the other leaderboards), that helps other runners to quickly find out what splits they're running against

  • I was asked to show the DIP Switches at the end of all my runs (which I do all the time now) but it's to be noted that the WR runs never show those. I also think, since we can run on Easy anyway, showing the ROM version is more important than the DIP switches and should be required for all new sub-5 runs, especially with all these Enhanced OutRun ROMs in existence.

  • Dahlor's Goal E run seems to be made via an enhanced ROM (JFred99 agreed with this statement and Dahlor himself stated he was running "version 3" which does not exist--Only Rev A & B are official) and I've already added that run to the CannonBall leaderboard

  • GemmaEuphoria's videos are either deleted or privated. If someone can contact her to put them back up, that'd be great, 'cause I'm currently running Goal D for Bronze and I have no idea what her splits were

  • I suggest a co-Super Mod to be added (not me, but I suggest @JFred99), especially if being DM'ed about things that need to be done is a chore. To be noted, I also have 5 runs pending for approval, I know mods have 3 weeks to get on it, however OutRun as an internal clock and those are extremely quick to review. I don't see a reason why stay lone super-moderator on arguably the most important OutRun game and not create a team like we did for the other OutRun games.

I hope this post doesn't come across the wrong way as I'm only trying to get this leaderboard updated and maintained the proper way so we can all enjoy running the game we love so much in a good & drama-free environment.

Feel free to comment or leave any suggestions.

Thank you everyone.



Editado por o autor 10 months ago
buddyyellek, Shiromar e 2 outros curtiu isso

Thanks for input! I won’t comment on all the specifics, but another super mod is a great suggestion.

A wish from my end is to unify the rules of the boards more where it’s possible. It’s a lot of different nuances and it’s hard to keep track and easy to miss out on details.

It would be nice for the Series 1 community to feel more as one, instead of 10+ sub communities.

So when we have discussions I would like that we integrate decisions across the series.


@MasterSystemMarceau you were DM-ing me for run verifications both here and on Discord when the runs were submitted only 2-3 days prior. More on run verification periods later.

Among the 5 runs that you said were waiting for verification, 3 of them were submitted within less than 24 hours before my reply here

  1. Saturn being listed as a platform is there for a reason. There is the other Sega Ages disc available for Saturn (a compilation together with Hang-On and Space Harrier) that plays just like the Dreamcast counterpart as far as I know. It doesn't even feature the Arcade Easy and Saturn Extra Easy difficulties or 60 FPS.

  2. Regarding the splits suggestion request: that is such an unecessary thing. Not only would it not be helpful at all, it might actually confuse players.

The timer glitch is well known by now and I would assume that you would be the first one to realize how pointless it is to write down faulty stage times in every submission since you said that you have discovered that on your own.

Proof for that: https://www.speedrun.com/outrunarcade/forums/41bof

Yes, you might be right about runners really writting down stage times in other OutRun versions, but other versions don't have the same bug for which you said you're aware of, so why are we even discussing this in the first place?

  1. It is true that you were asked to show the DIP switches, it was in a friendly manner and I still verified every single run of yours that doesn't show them - before even asking that. I didn't even put a mod-note when verifying, reject it or anything of that sort.

At the end of the day it's not some sort of an enormous problem. Your runs without DIPs shown are as fresh as 6 days old, so I don't know why you feel there's any weight to your emphasizing that you have been doing it all the time ever since.

Looking at this situation alone I don't think adding additional rules will help with anything. The Saturn board that you just linked, that you created and that you mod has only 2 rules total. One is self-explanatory already from the category title, the other one doesn't limit anything.

Yet you want to overwhelm this board with more rules all of a sudden. Why?

  1. I'm aware of Dahlor's run and like I already told you in the DM - Dahlor has been messaged about it, but it is always a good idea to at least try being polite when DM-ing people and not spam their inbox every single day when they open up the app. It's not that urgent. Also, it's always better to ask players in advance about adding their runs instead of adding them on your own.

  2. As for Gemma's runs, everyone that's running this game for a while has seen those runs originally and we all know they are legit. Personally, I would not take them down.

You want somebody to message her about it? Hm, I'd like to make a joke about DMs here at this point, but I'll sustain myself from doing so.

Give it a bit of time, maybe they reappear or something. Patience is a virtue.

  1. All your runs are verified now. What you didn't mention is that 3 out of your 5 runs in question were submitted within 4 hours (!!), 5 hours (!) and within less than a day before you opened this thread.

Complaining about runs not being verified after only a few hours, 2 days, 3 days or even 5 days is a choice (of course it's gonna take a bit more time with DMs rapidly coming in on the side too). Your interpretation, your preferences and your own verification times are your own, but you can not use all of that to blackmail other moderators to give mod roles to players you suggest (nor by constantly saying how you're verifying runs faster - ok, good for you).

The enirety of your post proved that the later qoute from your intro has some truth in it, even when taken out of context like that. And thank Heavens for the drama-free spirit :D Imagine if it was the opposite :D

  • You're wrong about the Sega Ages disc for Saturn. The OutRun on it is the EXACT SAME as the Japanese stand-alone version. It is NOT an Arcade-perfect port, it has tighter turns and extra easy mode also. We even made it the SRC cover for the game. (Sega Ages OutRun (Saturn) - Speedrun.com). Once again, Saturn should NOT be included here, that is simply a fact.

  • Adding the splits is NOT unnecessary and I'm sure everyone else can agree with me on that. We've all been adding them. It's not confusing at all since it's the most important thing in OutRun. The splits do not add up to the final time in this version indeed but they actually give you an excellent (and reliable) reference if your section was good or not. They just don't add up to the final time, that's it. You should know that if you did those WR runs. So they are extremely helpful.

  • I do not want to overwhelm the board with more rules as I believe for example that less rules should apply to non sub-5 runs. Unless you're going for sub-5, I don't think showing the DIP switches or the ROM version is really necessary.

  • Removing Dahlor's run is not urgent, we completely agree. But I thought I'd mention that we already know that run is not legit and if I hadn't said anything, it would likely stay on this leaderboard ad vitam eternam.

  • I'd say the Gemma runs can stay also, unless we learn she will not unprivatize the videos. And not knowing her splits is an issue. Another reason why we should always write them down in comments. But, of course, I want Gemma to stay. She's a great person, she's 100% legit, a great competitor and I'd like as many runners on this leaderboard as possible. There's way too few of us.

  • Once again, you can take 3 weeks to approve if you want. I've never said otherwise. Those are the rules. However, we all agree it is more fun when those runs are verified in a timely fashion. OutRun runs do not require reading code (e.g. Minecraft) or counting frames with Avidemux. But if you want to take 3 weeks, then BY ALL MEANS take 3 weeks. It makes no sense to me but I've never "complained" about this.

  • Adding another super-moderator would mainly be so that the WR holder doesn't approve their own future runs (where no proof of authenticity is shown) and also is not only one making the decisions for the original Arcade OutRun, especially if talking about things that need to change and getting DM's is a chore.

There's absolutely drama in this, that you created. Last time was with @Shiromar and this time with me. Accusing me of "blackmail" now? Wow... Big words!

However, I would love us to be adults and just analyze facts and move on as I'm not a fan of this type of heated conversation. I hope tomorrow can be a fresh new day, we can shake hands and move on.



Editado por o autor 10 months ago
Shiromar e AlphaNerd curtiu isso
Hamilton, ON, Canada

This verison kinda sucks anyway compared to genesis outrun or outrun 2019 or ps2 outrun or outrunners aracde or even turbo outrun genesis for that matter. Loose controls. Edit because I can be a bit much. I will say this just because a moderator has 3 weeks to approve a run doesn't mean they need to take that long.

I take Pride in being a fast-acting moderator I also feel it encourages people to run the game with more enthusiasm knowing that their runs get approved quickly.That helps the leaderboard grow ,slow to approve mods ruin leaderboards. I'll leave it at that

Editado por o autor 10 months ago
MasterSystemMarceau curtiram isso

I also wanted to confirm that "version 3" is indeed an Enhanced ROM hack as shown here below.

Here's the official SEGA Rev B ROM that myself and Gemma used:

Versus the Rev B v.2.0.3 hack with tighter turns and easier traffic made by Chris White that Dahlor and possibly other runners might be using:

And this is why I feel the most important is to show the ROM being used (for a sub-5). Much more important than the DIP switches.

Editado por o autor 10 months ago
AlphaNerd curtiram isso

As for the Enhanced version, nobody is denying the existence of it. And I'll leave it at that.

When it comes to introducing a rule for having to show the splits, that just doesn't add up, both literally and figuratively.

If you really want to beat other players' stage times then pause their videos a frame before they end a stage and do so with your videos too to check the lap time. That would be a reliable reference and a helpful way to track progress, not some random number. Sure, you can write those times in your own submission if you really want, but no way anyone is ever going to ask that of other runners for their submissions.

And no, not all of us have been adding them.

There haven't been any runs in a while at all and all the other remarks that you made can be easily checked by others if they examine such details that you are bringing up.

You're not complaining, you're just saying. Alright, but regarding the run verification I'll simply repeat: we're talking about literal hours here and a couple of days, not anywhere near 3 weeks. Let's be fair for a moment here. I also adressed all of your points now and many more before I asked you to turn off the DM Turbofire. The 21 day rule is probably not there because of Minecraft either.

  • Enhanced version exists indeed so we need to make sure runs are not using it. If they are, those runs simply need to be moved to the CannonBall leaderboard. I suppose you didn't use the Enhanced version for your runs, right? You didn't show DIP switch or ROM version so it's hard to know. Chris White made those Enhanced Roms before making the CannonBall version, it's basically the same thing. You can go MUCH faster on Enhanced/CannonBall (& Saturn). Simply compare the times on the 2 leaderboards and you'll see.

  • I was never suggesting for a rule where runners have to type their splits. I was saying that, as a mod for the other games, I personally add it for them in comments, if it's a competitive run, especially top-3. That saves everyone else time when running against it. You don't want to? Fine. That was just a suggestion. Case closed on that.

  • And again, I've never complained about runs taking a week to be verified. But like I said, adding another super-mod to help with this leaderboard would help in a lot of ways, as you seem to not appreciate handling this leaderboard. For some of us, this game is a passion and I think this game deserves better than the current state this leaderboard is in, with, for example, the Saturn version still being shown and the only Super-Mod refusing to talk about it in DM because "it's not super super important".




If you're doing that for runs that you verify on your own in other games - congrats and gg, same as with insta-verifications. The stage timer prompts make sense for games that don't have a glitched stage timer.

I'm very glad to hear that you're finally able to see the differences between various versions.

Exactly, I'm not discussing these things with you over DMs anymore because you have taken it too far.


I have taken it too far? Feel free to share the DM's if you want. There was no animosity whatsoever from me towards you.

And I don't think anybody thinks I've been disrespectful in this thread either.

On the other hand, you seem to be fighting with pretty much everyone on here and it doesn't seem talking to you is an easy task. We're just supposed to submit runs and not say anything if something's amiss? That's just now how things work otherwise Billy Mitchell would still be World Record holder of Donkey Kong.

It's crazy that I've never had any issue with any other OutRun mod but you seem to be having issues with half of this small community.

Yes indeed, you have taken it too far at this point.


Once again, can we at least remove the Saturn platform from this leaderboard please and thank you.

buddyyellek curtiram isso