If you have any questions, issues with learning a glitch or skip, or any other reason, feel free to join the server! And if you do decide to join it, please give any feedback you can in there. Keep in mind, a lot of stuff I've got planned is still unfinished.
Since Update 2 for OBYAF released, it's complicated some things for the SRC page. This serves as a list to what I've made changes to.
- New annotation, Version. Determines which version your run was played on. Every single run submitted up to this point has had it's version set to Update 1. Any runs done after this should be submitted under "Update 2", unless you're run was performed before January 12th 2024 (until Update 3 releases of course).
- Two new FG categories have been added and one has been edited a little. Stages 11-15 and All Stages have been added, and the pre-Update 2 AS category has changed to All Stages (Update 1). You can still submit runs for AS (UP1), but All Stages is the new main FG category.
- Any UP1 runs that pose an unfair advantage to UP2 runs have had their final times increased by 1 hour. If one run in a category/subcategory got changed, all the other runs in the same category/subcategory will most likely have gotten changed too. However, they are still seen as real runs, just played on a different version (All runs affected by this have been reverted back to their previous state, and a new subcategory has been added to replace this change. Only categories previously affected by this change have gotten the new subcategory, except for FG, where all categories have gotten the new subcategory instead).
Sincere apologies for any inconveniences caused.
I recommend joining this server since you get to connect with the OBYAF community more, get information about future updates to the game, and just have some fun :)
If you want to become a moderator/verifier, fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/et82PjVb8XV3XxLu6
If enough people eventually want to apply for mod/verifier, the process is gonna get harder and it will take more time for me to be sure if you would be a good addition. Don't worry, your e-mail won't be collected if you're unsure about that. You're welcome to comment on this post whenever you have submitted an application.
You will see results in a maximum of a couple days.
If you have any questions, issues with learning a glitch or skip, or any other reason, feel free to join the server! And if you do decide to join it, please give any feedback you can in there. Keep in min