Я думала, что логичнее всего начинать отсчёт тогда, как только исчезает экран загрузки первого уровня, потому что геймплей начинается именно здесь. Но, возможно, началом отсчёта придётся сделать момент пораньше. Напишите здесь, стоит ли:
- оставить это правило, как есть
- сдвинуть начало на нажатие кнопки Новая игра или Продолжить
- сдвинуть начало на нажатие кнопки Пляж
And where do you think the end of timing should be? When we see the last screen with points summary (on the ship)?
Yes, when the results table appears at the end of the ship level, the gameplay is over, so timing ends here.
This doesn't answer my question though. Looking at your video, you start at pressing New game. I haven't decided strictly where to start timing yet.
Hold on, you don't speak Russian? I guess I should translate stuff... but I'm not sure
As for the beginning of measuring, I think the same as you, that we should start the countdown immediately after the first loading screen disappears. I'll correct my previous time
Well then.
Oh my, you beated my Easy time by 2 seconds... Now I'm concerned that future runners' time may be hindered by longer loading times... Have you considered running on Medium?
Yeah that might be a bit of a problem, but not much we can do about it right now since we don't have autosplitter for the game yet.
I'll try the higher difficulties for sure, it's just that currently I'm dying a bit too much to get a decent time :P But I hope that will change soon.
Yeah, autosplitter would be amazing, but since we don't have that, I prefer not using LiveSplit at all and just roughly checking the real time in my footage. IDEK how to set the game to windowed mode, adding window commands to the desktop shortcut doesn't work, I tried.
The Hard difficulty is indeed hard, and downright unfair in the subway level, but, as you've seen in another thread of mine, I found an exploit.