So glad I can add to the pb train in the nsmbw community, gonna quickly do some low% no w5 for a mid 50. analysis: w1: 10:30 pretty good, Fred was nice, not an optimal ending to 1-Castle though. w2: was about as good as you can get without fast 2-4 and Roy rng was at its best. w3: the only bad part really was 3-2 and missing ghost house clip as expected, but still a sub 26 cannon, I'll take that. w6: not very optimal most notably in 6-T and 6-6 from losing prop at the end. w8: the only good part was backing up 8-1 having entered without prop.
Can totally get 47 some day maybe 46 if I can do fast 2-4 and erection cycle in 6-T.
Mod Note: Retimed to 48:10
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