For the levels that are on here, it is sometimes unclear which level is which. Could you please rename them to their in-game names? (Waddlewing Warning, Crooked Cavern, etc.)
And for some reason, I have to choose Nabbit specifically as character for that run to show up.
I'll get to those as soon as I can. There's a lot of levels in the game so it's really hard complete the whole level leaderboard.
When are we going to get more IL's?
On a side note, to reiterate, when I submit 2 runs of a level with a different character, one is marked obsolete. To make the leaderboard not do this, there should be a checkbox in the moderation settings marked "Characters obsolete each other" or something of the like. Simply ensure that that box is unchecked. Thanks in advance! :)
Hello everyone! New Super Luigi U now has it's own dedicated Speedrunning Discord Server, if you have any interest in NSLU Speedrunning, make sure to join: