How to record proper, but cheaply lol
4 years ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi, (Please excuse my newbness haha) i have console, cart, laptop and obs. Im thinking of getting this gv usb2. Is this enough to record and submit runs?

Or if anyone can recommend or suggest anything else? Im trying to not spend over 100, but im willing if i have to. Thanks in advance!

twin0mega curtiram isso
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Also, this is not for streaming. Just recording ninja gaiden specifically right now. Thanks again

twin0mega curtiram isso
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Yeah I think a lot of people use the GV-USB2 and it's solid. Just make sure to get some splitters as well so you can split the game feed to both your TV and to your capture card

Tyne and Wear, England

So to stream from NES console to TV and to my PC I ordered a usb - (A) RCA female video capture device like you mention, (B) a 3 male RCA - 6 female RCA cable, (C) an RCA male to 2 RCA female splitter and (D) a male - male RCA cable.

So with the yellow and white from the console I split the white with splitter (C) so I now have a yellow red and white, these 3 go into one of the sets of female RCA from (B) with the male ends of (B) going to the TV, and the the RCA - RCA (D) leads from the leftover female connections from (B) to the usb device (A).

It sounds fiddly but when you look at it laid out it makes sense. There may be other ways but this way works great for me.

Use any retailer you like but I’ve added the links to the wires I bought on Amazon below

electrosmart 5 Meter 3 RCA/Phono Male Plug to 3 RCA/Phono Male Plug Cable ~ Triple RCA/Phono AV Audio Video Lead with Yellow White & Red Plugs

RCA Female To 2RCA Male Y...

Yilan RCA Extension Cable, 0.3m 3...

DIGITNOW! Video Capture Card...


Editado por o autor 4 years ago
Illinois, USA

Here is literally everything I bought when getting started. A lot has since changed and been updated, but you can see the GV-USB2 and the cords under it are what was also needed.

Obviously you don't need to buy all that stuff to get started. Just buy the essentials, a GV-USB2, cords, and microphone and you're good to go. If you don't already have a microphone, I'd recommend the Blue Snowball. It's fairly cheap and sounds pretty clear.

knuckle_buster curtiram isso
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Thank you guys for your help! Much appreciated! I will try to record and post a sample video when i get all my stuff hooked up, to make sure everything is up to code for submissions.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
twin0mega curtiram isso
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