Idea for a Discord Server
1 year ago

I suggest that someone creates a Multiple Pokémon Games Discord server. It would serve as a place to discuss runs,guides,tools,strats,etc.

Of course,it would have a moderation team too,including the leaderboard moderation team,server moderators,and so on.

If anyone's interested,let me know and i'll work on it

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
Tfresh e BrowniesRuns curtiu isso

I think its a good idea but im not a mod (and also could be used to set up races if anyone cares)

Gelderland, Netherlands

@Dendy01 Would you be able to contact me on discord? I certainly think this would be a good idea to get going but I have a lot going on IRL at the moment so I'd love to get in touch so we can get the ball rolling on this.


@Crrool Sure,i already sent you a friend request

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

For anyone looking for it (also now linked at the top underneath the game title);