Pikmin Series Any% in 17h 04m 31s by
Time for each individual run was calculated to 17:04:31
No substantial amount of setup time or break was taken, largely just switching to the next game and however long that took.
This was a no practice for fun race with @NachoBrado and was across both 12/30 - 12/31 2023
This was ROUGH. My goodness, pikmin 1 went really awful and probably made me spiral into a bit of playing badly for awhile.
Pikmin 2... nothing really bad happened but my routing was probably really bad.
Pikmin 3 was kinda smooth until the end where i was so burnt out i just kinda completely forgot what to do.
Pikmin 4 was the best performed game, but the routing was still really bad.
Would do again/actually learn these games for a run because this was a lot of fun.
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