Regarding new categories
8 years ago
Virginia, USA

If you want a category added, please do a run of it before asking. We didn't add 982 until MarioMan said he would like to have one after he finished his. Also, Handheld Mario Series is empty because someone DID do a run, but never ended up submitting for some reason. :/

grntsz, Alexithink e 18 outros curtiu isso

And this applies to any game, right?

Pennsylvania, USA

@The_squerils_return did you just bump a 4 year old thread

keiron01 e TrenttheN642 curtiu isso
Lower Saxony, Germany

We do have a category on our CE board that you can submit to when you have done a run of a category you'd like to see added, current limitations are that is has to be done by 3 different runners if it is a Multi Mario category, if its sorta fitting to a different Mario community that does not have their own Multi Game board, limits are lower to get a category on Extensions.

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
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TA Breaks added for 602 and 1862

You can now submit runs to the 602 and 1862 leaderboards under the TA filter if you took breaks for sleep and paused the timer! Rules will be more in depth on the category pages on the leaderboard.

1 year ago
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