99 Runs - No Bunting Subcategory?
7 months ago
United States

Hey there, was chatting with a popular streamer recently and he was wondering about being able to run this one. I know it may have been discussed before. I know the top times for the current category are almost all bunting, so this would look to go in the other direction. Not sure how/where it would be categorized but figured others would know better than me. Just wondering if it makes sense for a new run type since people are interested, thanks!

RubberDuckyAssassin curtiram isso
Texas, USA

Hey! Thanks for the post, we were discussing this post in the discord just cause its more accessible but we made a subcategory for 99 Runs! https://www.speedrun.com/mssb?h=Exhibition_-_99_Runs-unrestricted&x=9d851m3d-ql6ymgv8.lmonyyy1

Feel free to join the discord if you want! Thanks again for the post and enjoy running! I'm intruiged to see how runs turn out!

VicklessFalcon curtiram isso
United States

Great! Thanks for doing that! I'm already in the discord as well!

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