MVC Collection
5 months ago
Tennessee, USA

Just curious but when will the MVC Collection be legal on the boards?

Tokyo, Japan

They are allowed as Arcade submissions as they are running MAME, however since they are modified roms we may need to move them to a separate category in the future if something is discovered that allows an unfair advantage.

Tennessee, USA

But with it being a official arcade release, I don't quite understand how it could be under a seperate catagory.

Tokyo, Japan

its not going to be a separate category NOW, it's just in the event that something is off we may switch to a separate category, much like how other releases of this and of other capcom games may be very 'close' to arcade, they are not standard and thus we may end up converting to a new category, hopefully you understand.

Editado por o autor 5 months ago
Tennessee, USA

Also, why is it that this is the only game from the collection without a Any% category? I'm wanting to submit MVSF to a marathon, but It's the only game without it. (As I currently run all of the other games as Any%)