Leaderboard Reorganization
2 years ago
Orlando, FL, USA

Hello all. Lumini here. I wanted you all to let you know that I am currently in the process of reorganizing the IL Rise section (Village, Hub 1-7☆) to the current format we have for the Master Rank and Anomaly Research section. This will definitely take some time, but we believe that doing this will be for the betterment of this board as the old structure of the leaderboard causes confusion and frustration as quests get buried in a very long list.

Aside from this, soon, I will also be providing an update to the Simple Ruleset in regards to clarifications and some adjustments, new information on augmenting and charm melding.

Lastly, there will be an update of the rules for the No Tools% category for Sunbreak as it adds in its own new mechanics.

Again, thank you all for your patience and thank you for using this leaderboard.