Emulating MSX2 version
7 years ago

Is it allowed to run on emulated MSX2 version? There is no runs of it, and i'd prefer to run on Emulator, instead of launching my PS3

California, USA

Playing on emulator is fine! :)

United States

Also, the MSX2 version has some tricks that cannot be done on the other versions, which also affects the route. Take a look at my TAS, and the author's comments. http://tasvideos.org/2974M.html I can also answer any questions about that here.

I created the categories because I intend to run it, using an emulator for now, but planning on getting an actual MSX2 at some point. I began planning a route that is somewhat close to the TAS, but it and my other projects had been interrupted because of family stuff last year. I guess it is time to get back on this.


Is there a specific ROM that should be used for emulation? I tried 2 different versions, translated and japanese (that was advertised original), japanese felt way faster, but both versions had instant alert in B1 Floor 2 when getting out of elevator, and dunnius tas video did not have that alert (it was triggered by camera tho). And i kind of want to do that part with no alerts, even if it's slower.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
United States

I've never heard of an instant alert there. What emulator are you using? I'm not sure I am allowed to point to roms on the forums, but I can't imagine that you would have found a bad one.


OpenMSX with C-BIOS MSX2+ JP, here is the video of alert going off:

I cant even understand what triggers it, the cameras are far away, they shouldnt trigger anything, but the alert just goes off And as i said before it happens on 2 roms (one translated and one japanese) from 2 different sites, so might be a problem with MSX bios? Can it be that game plays different on different bios? Translated rom also did not have much lag with 3-4 enemies on screen, while japanese lags heavily with 4 enemies on screen.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
California, USA

Can you provide the MD5/SHA1/SHA-256 of your ROMs? http://onlinemd5.com/

Maybe then dunnius can compare it to theirs.

United States

Interesting. It starts the alert during the screen transition out of the elevator just like the building 2 rooftop, which means that the cameras are not involved in the alert. I wonder if that floor operates correctly, being the only one that does the automatic alert. Also, are you able to end the alert on floor 2, or is it being treated as if it were the building 2 rooftop where the alert cannot be stopped?

The SHA1 of my rom is a52021f1b257c7c35d626d5d642134091c45e4f4

But I think I know why this is happening. You need to be using a different BIOS; C-BIOS isn't as accurate in emulating the MSX machine. If you are using the japanese rom, then you should use a Panasonic FS-A1WSX, and a different machine if you use the european rom.


A52021F1B257C7C35D626D5D642134091C45E4F4 SHA1 of my rom, so yeah, seems like C-BIOS thing Update: I managed to launch FS-A1WSX bios, but the same thing happens. And you are right, the game treats this alerts as an alert from building 2 rooftop, it doesnt stop at all. I kill like 8 enemies otside of elevator, then go to next room, and it doesnt stop. Maybe you can point me in a direction of bios files you used? Or maybe explain how to properly launch it? Might be something with openMSX 0.14.0?

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
United States

I'm not familiar with the details of setting up openMSX; my focus is on TASing. If you are able to get on IRC, go to #openMSX on irc.freenode.net which is the channel for the development of openMSX. They can better answer what is happening with this interesting error. I am using 0.13.0, but I still think the BIOS and other settings are the culprit.

United States

I installed openMSX 0.14.0 and tested this. I did not get the alert like that unless I had the bug item at the time.


what do you mean by bug item?

United States

After recovering the equipment after getting captured, there is an item put in the inventory that is a transmitter that will alert the enemies. It is the item that looks like a red button. Use it as if it were a ration to remove it from the inventory.


oh, my bad, i did not remember that from my casual playthrough haha

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