MGTT Any% WR Bounty [no ending date]
4 years ago
Minnesota, USA

This post serves as central information to the MGTT Any% WR bounty, and will be continually updated with news on the topic.

Announced alongside EZScape's charity speedrunning competition (MGTT Any% raffle through 8/9/20, see the discord's announcements channel for info), this bounty is for the first person to take the Any% WR (NTSC) from me at any given point, meaning it extends indefinitely from this date onward. I may continue to run the category and update my own WR, but I am exempt from the bounty—and with the way golf works, the category will NEVER be fully optimized RTA, so there is always the possibility to win the bounty.

It is expected you stream a majority of your progress, as something of this scale will require ample scrutiny to ensure legitimacy of the record. You must follow all game and category rules, and you must do your run on any of the acceptable platforms to run on. You do not need to stream every moment you play the game, just use common sense. After all, I would've lost interest by this point in my grinding the game if I didn't have the wonderful MGTT community to spend time with during it. I want to make it clear that this should never, in any way, become a negatively-impactful or stressful event for anyone. This bounty exists entirely for the fun along the way, the respect for progress, and the opportunity to meet new people and form strong friendships. I know, from my point of view, that that is an infinitely true and irreplaceable experience for me. But, enough rambling...

Now for the goods: this post will be continually updated with the current pot bonus that is being pledged altogether from invested community members (please feel free to join in if you want to see this happen! WR contention at the top level is highly enjoyable and entertaining. Any amount is welcome. You can announce it publicly if you choose, or you can DM me or another admin of the MGTT Discord server). It will be updated as it changes. During the beginning of this challenge, I expect it to change somewhat dramatically, as it already has. Here's the history for the total amount so far, alongside total contributors toward it, subject to change (topmost entry is the current bounty):

7/2/20: $1000 - 4 total contributors pledged 6/30/20: $425 - 3 total contributors pledged, first announced

If you have any questions or want to contribute, feel free to respond here, ask in the MGTT discord, or DM me or any admin of the server! Thanks for your time, and good luck with the competition!

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Pear curtiram isso
Minnesota, USA

WR to beat is now 50:30.03, as of 11/23/20

Minnesota, USA

WR to beat is now 50:13.50, as of 5/30/21

Minnesota, USA

WR to beat is now 49:58.69, as of 9/14/21. Good luck :)

Estatísticas do jogo
Últimas notícias
$1000 Any% Speedrun World Record Bounty [no ending date]

(Edited from the forum post here for the news tab):

This bounty is for the first person to take the Any% WR (NTSC) at any given point, meaning it extends indefinitely from this date onward. I (Bluekandy) may continue to run the category and update my own WR, but I am exempt from the bounty—and

3 years ago