The loading time when you use the box delivery system
9 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France


I watched this run,, everything is like the one I uploaded earlier except the use of the stun gun (that's great, I was too lazy to use it).

But this is not the point, I have 2m 49s 966ms and he has 2m 44s 837ms.

I really wasn't understanding why there is this "huge" gaps between us, so I look the videos simultaneously... And I am faster, beginning to box deliverty system, box delivery system to chopper. So why the gap? The loading time when you use the box delivery system is faster on his PS3 than it is on my PS4. It's probably the same for the pc, 360 etc. but I can't say. Anyways, this is crap. If I am seeing things, that you can prove me that the loading time of the fast travel doesn't count, just tell me. But I am quite sure it does.

h ttp://

h ttp://

Or watch both of them side to side. (I don't know how to put a Youtube link with a specific time on the forum, it shows the full video... so you just have to stick the h to the t!)

It's just kind of unfair so I am speaking about it.

Of course, I have nothing against you Mr Snawk. (can't you wait that someone else than yourself verified your video though?)


^ I totaly aggre with you Pewable MR_Snawk shouldn't Verify his own video. I think it's a mistake when he submited it, as moderator when we send a run, we have to uncheck a box, to not automaticly verify run. he might have forget to do it.

The wierd thing is that on Mr_Snawk video, the audio track of the truck play only the first part. The part where the truck start his engine, but in his video there isnt any second part where the truck stop, and we hear someone pulling out the box. wich is basicly the difference between the 2 videos.

I'll check in deepth how this work on pc. Be right back.

Pewable curtiram isso

soo i timed these two runs... i timed from the moment you press enter on the third cutscene skip.

run 2:49 with loading times i got: 2:12 until snake get in helicopter 2:41 until snake closes helicopter door

run 2:44 with loading times i got: 2:10 until snake gets in helicopter 2:39.6 until snake closes helicopter door

then i timed it without loading times (stopping timer once screen turns black and starting it again as soon as you can see box):

run 2:44 without loading time: 2:01 until snake gets in helicopter 2:29 until snake closes helicopter door

run 2:49 without loading time: 1:56.6 until snake gets in helicopter 2:25.3 until snake closes helicopter door

timing just the loading time of the box travel i got:

2:44 run = 9 seconds of black screen 2:49 run = 17 seconds of black screen

so the 2:49 run is indeed faster... IGT is wrong.

keep in mind that these times arent very exact since i timed them manually watching the videos and using a stop watch... but the difference is big enough to prove that the "slower" time is actually faster

Pewable curtiram isso
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Thanks you for looking into this! Ah, differences between platforms... There will always be a problem.


Okay So i took my time to verify everything (4hours..). As as Dekuking also did, i have more or less the same numbers.

I'll try to keep it simple. Pweable did a 2:49 run for MO 1 Mr_SnawK did 2:44 run for MO 1

Pweable start to fast travel 3.40 sec earlier than Snwak

But Snawk finish fastraveling earlier than Pweable. Snawk got a 9-10~ secondes "load time" got only half the audio track of the truck, only the starting engine and pick up sound. (On PS3) Pweable got a 17 secondes full audio track of the box being picked up, the truck stopping, and the box being put down. (on PS4) load time (Wich i also got on PC)

You could argu that the timing of loading is faster on a PS3 than a PS4 or EVEN a PC with SSD at lowest setting possible for the test done here. (My pc)

BUT, here is Soliduz_Znake video on PS3: He start to fast travel @ 1:51 and what a surprise when you realise that his fast travel time is indeed 17 secondes, and he got the full audio track of the truck.

My assumtion is that the fast travel, is a dynamic loading, as Zefie provide a script to automaticly remove loading on PC. See for yourself: First timer is Real time Second timer is In game time Third timer is the current segment dont mind it.

You can see that fast traveling doesn't froze the In game timer of LiveSplit. This is where come my assumption that this is a dynamic loading rather than a memory cleaning / froze & loading. That is why the IGT keep running. When you do that type of Dynamic loading, you take the lowest system and find a time in wich the lowest system will always have the time to load. Wich 17 secondes seems to be the time in this case. Because of the use of the truck audio track.

But still, there is a problem in Snawk video, his Fast travel time is 7 to 8 secondes faster. Where it seems to be fixe for everybody else, regardles of the system, there is even audio missing that should be here.

Well there is to my knowledge only 2 possibility: 1 footage editing, and end screen editing wich is obviously cheating. 2 Snawk got a trick to skip half the fast travel "loading", and need to tell us now before he's flag as a cheater.

Note that i did test everything that come to my mind to make the fast travel "loading" faster: 1 Finish the mission once, before restarting it. 2 Start the mission, fast traveling to the town, and restarting mission from the town. 3 Starting mission from the world map rather than the ACC. 4 Starting the mission from the town where we need to fast travel. 5 Redid every other things above with the lowest setting possible. 6 Spaming random shit while loading.

(I got a pretty good PC belive me, this fast travel blackscreen isn't dependent of load speed. It's a fixe timer wich use the audio track to start and to finish, unless Snawk got a trick for skipping half of it.)

TL;DR There isn't any time difference when fast traveling between all platform(PS3 PS4 PC at least). It's a fixe 17 secondes timer (try it yourself). Snawk might have a trick to make it faster, and we need to hear from him before he is flagged as a cheater for footage editing.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Thanks for your research! Yeah we will have to wait for what he says... Pretty sure he will say he doesn't know, and I will have a hard time not believing him...

(Also, it's Pewable!)


haha im not a cheater i run on ps3 :/ the biggest trick i found is in the travel box mash X button on ps4/ps3 pc and xbox i dont know that skip one part of loading, i saved 5 sec compared has my old run, i reposte my run no problem for verified


Whether my address removes certain loads or not has nothing to do with what that address is intended to do. I found at least 20 of them that all do different things. I think people on CE forums already found IGT anyway so I guess I can check

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Thank you for the clarification! Gonna try it... a little later.

Hey, why was your time removed? I think it's because you are editing...


Okay, first of all i want to Apologise to putting Mr_Snawk in such position, it's never a good moment, or a good position to being in.

After Mr_Snawk clarification, spaming the Crounch / stance button does make you skip Half of the audio track, and fake load. This is indeed true. So his run, is legit. Just try it for yourself !

But next time you do something funky Mr_Snawk share it with us in the comment ! :) And also don't verify your own run obviously :p But i assume you just forgot to uncheck the box !

Oh man that feel good, knowing that you aren't cheating, and that i beat my world record for NG+ Total Stealth% All main ops, time is now 4hours 12 minutes 04 secondes.

I can already tell you that tonight i'm going to have sweet dream.

Once again, sorry about that Mr_Snawk ! No hard feeling i hope !

Mr_Snawk curtiram isso
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