Is quitting allowed?
3 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

Is it allowed to quit the world to reset the pie chart after you broke the spawner in a treasure bastion?

South Africa

Just reload the pie chart, reshift/F3

Bavaria, Germany

Yes but If you break the spawner you need to rejoin reloading doesnt work there

Basque Country

quit and enter again? is a thing is glitched so ye in glitchless im pretty sure is banned

New Zealand

its allowed as long as you dont abuse it for like spawn protection etc.

AbbyAsha e Tutterey curtiu isso
South Korea

no its not

cause the possibility of cutting

although i know you wont, its just a rule

and for the same reason you cant save and quit and pause a run.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
AbbyAsha e Tutterey curtiu isso
United States

In the rules: "Do not abuse Save and Quit". You are allowed to save and quit and rejoin to refresh the pie chart if it is glitched and won't refresh by closing and opening the F3 menu. I can't think of any other reason you would need to save and quit. If you need to refresh a glitched pie chart, make sure that by doing so you won't de-aggro any piglins, abuse invulnerability, etc. I'm not too sure about accidently saving and quitting. It's a grey area altogether.

AbbyAsha e Mika_MDF curtiu isso
Bavaria, Germany

My run got verified, its allowed to quit to reset the pie chart, like the rules say its not allowed to abuse it but that's not abusing.

Windmolema curtiram isso
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