Memory Usage Optimisation Mods?
9 months ago
Hertfordshire, England


Why are memory reducing mods such as hydrogen and ferrite core not allowed for Minecraft Java speed running? I’m sure there’s some answer that I’m dumb, but I’m asking just in case, as well as that, it would also really help runners with low end PC’s as well as calm your ram usage down a bit if using the wall (Multi instances.

I am well aware that ferrite core is not available for 1.16.1 (most popular speed run version), even though it is better than starlight, so I am making a port just in case this does get allowed, but I’m not getting my hopes up too high. Thanks a lot for your time everyone, Kiwi998


I dont know the answer unfortunaly. Idk if you are a low end pc user, but heres a quick guide to optimize your mc:

Also maybe reading the rules may help you find the cause for hydrogen and other mods being banned.