Impossible% in 11m 40s by
Custom race (Elerian): Democracy, Artifacts, Telepathic, Research +1 / Low-grav, Ground combat -10, Ship Attack -10
Improved on prior run by skipping the scout and outpost by rushing to Iridium fuel cells, disabling end of turn summary, and not bothering with colony optimization after getting 4 cruisers. No end-game mistakes, no failed invasions. Got lucky with (1) no mentar; (2) got megawealth navigator early; and (3) got silicon as first takeover race, really ideal. Probably as fast as it gets on this build order, unless I figure out how to eliminate screen fade-in time.
Build order: Factory, Lab, Farm, Pollution, Iridium, MIRV cruiser, Fusion Drive, Neutron Scanner, Anti-Matter Drive, 4 MIRV cruisers, takeover galaxy.
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