4 years ago
Basque Country

Just to know, I realice the mods doesnt appear at the left part where normaly appear the names, and Im courious of why this happend, and if there are mods by the way

WiiSuper, 84th e 2 outros curtiu isso
United Kingdom

BnH247 used to be the moderator but he recently unmodded himself from every game so currently there are no mods. I believe the series mods are trying to sort this out so I'd expect WiiSuper or possibly prnced to be a mod soon.

WiiSuper, 84th e 2 outros curtiu isso
United States

when people submit a run src will let wiisuper become a mod.

WiiSuper e KilleDragon curtiu isso
Ayr, Scotland
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

should be all good then. no issues at all

WiiSuper e KilleDragon curtiu isso
Basque Country

@BlueWill holy crap, seriously? Wow, f Sooooo… no mods? Oh, thats terrible

WiiSuper curtiram isso
London, England

@KilleDragon WiiSuper will be a mod until maybe someone does a run of this game due to no one running it in around a year.

WiiSuper e KilleDragon curtiu isso
Basque Country

@kcaJ yeah, also true f in all case, I think there was someone preparing to do it in twitch, so nice

WiiSuper e 84th curtiu isso
Basque Country

Oh, wait, now I realice, now it appear in the mods list! :D nice

WiiSuper e 84th curtiu isso
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