Discord Channel
6 years ago
United States

For anyone looking to get more involved with this game or simply follow the community, joining the Luigi's Mansion series discord is a good place to start. There are many people there who can help answer questions as well. Here is a link to the Dark Moon channel: https://discord.gg/5XRHWsj

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Ohio, USA

There is also a scarescraper channel for people who want to play scarescraper

Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
Caernarfonshire, Wales

What's the scarescraper/thrill tower discord link?

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Ohio, USA

it's all in the same discord, the discord linked is the luigi's mansion discord so it has the first game and dark moon + scarescraper

Oh_my_gourdness e Pear curtiu isso
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