Raiders of the Lost Ark in 26m 02s by
Divisões de tempo
Fornecido por
# | Nome | Divisão | Finalizado em |
1 | The Lost Temple | 5m 48s 699ms | 5m 48s 699ms |
2 | Into the Mountains Ouro | 5m 02s 261ms | 10m 50s 960ms |
3 | City of Danger Ouro | 4m 12s 459ms | 15m 03s 419ms |
4 | Well of Souls | 3m 52s 540ms | 18m 55s 959ms |
5 | Pursuing the Ark | 4m 44s 458ms | 23m 40s 417ms |
6 | Opening the Ark | 2m 22s 176ms | 26m 02s 593ms |
Runs recentes
Nível: 3-1 The Hunt for Sir Richard
Nível: 1-3 City of Danger
Nível: 1-2 Into the Mountains