Question about using emulator of this game
3 years ago

Due to the special design of this game, emulating the game in normal way with Desmume is obviously impossible. But I find that people use Action Replay code to bypass the black screen when the game is turned on in emulator: 5200147C D0F52800 0200147C 46C02800 D2000000 00000000 52018F6C 00000FD8 02018F6C 00001000 D2000000 00000000 5205B24C 63214311 0205B24C 63212100 D0000000 00000000 520009F8 E12FFF1E E2000560 00000088 E92D401F E28F0024 E5901000 E3510001 08BD801F E5912000 E5903004 E1520003 05904008 05814000 E280000C EAFFFFF5 020F7C48 0000AF81 0000A883 020F83F4 0000B975 0000C127 02105498 02105179 0200162D 0210C030 0210BD11 0200162D 021022B4 02101F95 0200162D 021022D0 02101FF9 0200162D 0210C058 0210BE25 0200162D 00000001 020009F8 EAFFFED8 D0000000 00000000 I am not sure if this code will give other advantage apart from bypassing the black screen. But I want the moderator to answer if the above Action Replay code is allowed to be used to bypass the black screen in emulator. (because the game is unplayable without bypassing the black screen in emulator)

Also even the game can be played with an on-screen keyboard after bypassing the black screen, I am wondering if it is allowed to use lua file to use PC keyboard to do the typing in game. (The lua file can be found somewhere in the internet. But because of legal reasons, I cannot link it here)

Suggestion if emulator and Action Replay code are allowed to be used:

  • Allow lua file: Using mouse to click the button in the on-screen keyboard in the emulator is hard if we do not allow lua file.
  • Not allow lua file: If we allow using lua file because some buttons in the keyboard in the game overlaps the control of the emulator. E.g. X button is used for pressing A in DS in Desmume at default but X button is used for beating some of the levels in the game. If we allow lua file, we need to require the runners to turn off all hotkeys to prevent the runner pressing hotkey when they type the keyboard during the run. For example, N button is used for frame advance in Desmume at default but pressing N button is required to beat the levels in the game at the same time.

To be easier to understand: Lua file can make the game be able to emulate the original nintendo wireless keyboard with PC keyboard. Most of the buttons in nintendo wireless keyboard are required to use to complete the game. Pressing the button in PC keyboard will both emulate the nintendo wireless keyboard and function the hotkey or the control of Desmume at the same time.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
teh_supar_hackr curtiram isso
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