New strats!
3 years ago

Huge Wii U Strat finds that have not been documented very well.

Red clown skip: to skip watering those flowers when arresting the red clown, run to the back of that house and jump over a small fence. It’s pretty precise.

Gate skip+sammich cutscene skip. Go to the back of the electrical building and do a precise Sudo infinite jump to get behind the gate then walk on the very edge of the dock to not get teleported out.

New super brick: shop brick is cool but problem is you get 2 bricks in the dojo which wastes a bit of time, let’s skip it! When the shop brick spawns, hit objects till you get 3x multiplier and collect the brick, you get 20,000 extra which is just enough to skip the dojo brick.

Consistent prison skips: If you fail that punch a block and jump the fence trick, there is a way to save time and it saved my World Record run in Undercover%. When you are behind the fence, don’t punch the box, instead jump on it and do a near pixel perfect jump and it could be just enough to reach the ladder. Prison skip 2, Failed the lampost skip? Well here is a way easier way to save time. After the basketball cutscene, kind of jump and slide from the prisoner doing sit-ups to the top of the uncoloured punching bag, after that, jump to skip the small grapple hook.

Chapter 4/6 farmer early skip: if your coming from chapter 4, do a Sudo infinite jump up a nearby tree to the police tower then start the vehicle robber mission to miner clip and retry challenge to teleport out. For chapter 6, you do the same but start a gang mission near the farm.

Fly Me To The Moon Big Skip (saves like 1-2 minutes!): (make sure to enter the level as astronaut for an easier time) when you start the level, jetpack up to the fuse box with the colour swapper then if you entered as astronaut, jetpack up the invisible wall and stand ontop of it. If you did not enter as astronaut, then you have to fireman triple jump up the wall. When your ontop of the invisible wall, extended chicken glide to the rocket ship and do the Sudo infinite jump up the rocket to the load trigger for the next area.

Those are all big timesaves for Wii U!

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
WaltekGkay e WiiSuper curtiu isso
Nottinghamshire, England

Im gonna think about speedrunning the game on ps4 now well ill have to see in the morning if im up to it

WiiSuper e xGlitchyx curtiu isso


WiiSuper curtiram isso

2 things: Aren't the options for farmer early Chapter 4, and 6 - not Chapter 4, and 5 FMTTM skip saves ~2m 10s - not 3-5 minutes

Ohio, USA

Doesn’t the FMTTM Skip save like 1m

xGlitchyx e WiiSuper curtiu isso

Over the old story strategy, no. The old story strategy takes 3 minutes 0s in Any% World Record - and the FMTTM skip takes about 50s.

WiiSuper e xGlitchyx curtiu isso
Ohio, USA

I mean you shouldn’t compare it to the any% wr anyways since nobody is going to use it in any% it’s too inconsistent

WiiSuper e xGlitchyx curtiu isso
Ohio, USA

And the any% wr is unoptimized so

WiiSuper e xGlitchyx curtiu isso

How is the any% WR unoptimised there? Sure maybe you could save like 10 seconds, but nothing to big.

xGlitchyx e WiiSuper curtiu isso
Ohio, USA

not specifically there just overall. Hard strats near the end like that just aren't really worth it

Oh, that is very true. I think that Astronaughty launch in the final room is easier and I think it saves more time (not to mention all of the easier strats throughout the run)

Edit: I take this back in several ways. I think it is worth to do it in all chapters, and definitely not worth to do Astronaughty launch.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
TrenttheN642 curtiram isso
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