Blastoff in 7m 36s by
Divisões de tempo
Fornecido por
# | Nome | Divisão | Finalizado em |
1 | Woods Ouro | 0m 34s 265ms | 0m 34s 265ms |
2 | Tunnel Ouro | 1m 04s 468ms | 1m 38s 733ms |
3 | Bridge Ouro | 1m 16s 317ms | 2m 55s 050ms |
4 | Train Station Ouro | 0m 52s 121ms | 3m 47s 172ms |
5 | Farmhouse Ouro | 4m 18s 243ms | 8m 05s 415ms |
Original Campaigns has moved to category extensions (this leaderboard)
The subcategories of Original Campaigns that were on the main L4D2 leaderboard (Solo, Co-Op, and their expert realism variants) have moved to this leaderboard. This was meant to be done many months ago, but the time and motivation simply didn't exist to make it happen. Unfortunately, due to limitati
Runs recentes
Nível: Cold Stream
Nível: Blood Harvest
Nível: The Sacrifice
Nível: The Parish
Nível: Swamp Fever