Helper To Hero
9 years ago

In the Level Leaderboard, I find Helper to Hero oddly missing. Could this be a separate category or something? I was thinking that records can be saved for each separate character, just to have more variety.


there is a site that handles that kind of stuff way better than we can do at it has all of the ingame timed stuff, so if you want to go ham on the HtH runs, be my guest ;) i could add All Helpers to it if someone wants to run it, but i don't like HtH that much.

He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
9 years ago

I'd do all helpers (:


i don't see the real need for this, since any% would basically be "Beat Helper to Hero with Bonkers" which again, cyberscore handles better. Also, i feel like doing each helper individually is a bigger achievement than all of them in a row. Cyberscore just handles this better so i don't see any real need


oh, so, i did a drunk HtH 100% run, and it sucked... as in, i was bad and the run is bad. it took me 4:25 hours to beat and i think a good time would be 3:00 to 3:30. If anyone wants to take it seriously, be my guest, i'll make you a leaderboard, but i won't make one for my shit time.

jurdl curtiram isso
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