Kirby 3D Rumble + IL categories
8 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

I want to do speed runs of 3D Rumble and IL but there aren't any categories for those. Would a mod please set up those categories?


Demolition is entirely right there, I just wanna add a few things:

Kirby 3D Rumble doesn't qualify for a own category, since it's pretty much just about a high score where a fast time is one of the requirements besides clean gameplay (e.g. taking no damage, no misses). So it's pretty much the same as a speedrun, only far more complex and competitive. It's also not worth mentioning a 6 minute category in this leaderboard if there's a better solution like Cyberscore.

Here's the link if you would like to submit scores:

Editado por o autor 8 years ago
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