Idea for a category: Best Ending
6 years ago
United States

Hi everyone - I've been playing this a lot lately and thinking about other categories. Besides Any%, my favorite idea is a Best Ending category. Some other games have this as a category, such as Gimmick and Cave Story.

For Kid Icarus, getting the best ending requires all strength upgrades, all health upgrades, all 3 special weapons, and 999 hearts. It's difficult to do all of that while still going fast. My favorite part is that this category would actually make use of the special weapons, which we don't get to play with in Any%. The crystal shield is fun.

Is anyone else interested in this? I've done a few runs of it, and I'm linking my PB video below. If other people are interested, then I'd love to see this added as a category and submit my PB.

Pikraken, barnowl, e Hearn curtiu isso
Pennsylvania, USA

Very Interested. Would be a good addition.

Arizona, USA

I've seen 100% Glitchless run on youtube that has already been requested as a category on this forum but hasn't happened.

"Meet requirements for Best Ending (999 hearts, all special weapons from training rooms, all four health bar upgrades, and all four strength upgrades), have no less than 1 of all non-fortress items (bottle of the Wine of Life, wine keg, mallet, angel's feather, and credit card)."

I'd like to see this as well as Any% Glitchless and Low% (Beating the game with No items, No strength upgrades, and Low hearts.)

United States

I like the idea for 100%, but I think it could be debated about what constitutes 100%. What's the rationale for not including fortress items like pencils and torches? Must all bosses be killed?

That's one of the reasons I personally prefer a "Best Ending" category - everyone can agree on what the requirements are, since it's built in to the game. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing both categories added. I wonder if having more categories might draw in more runners.

Pennsylvania, USA

Fruitbatsalad, would it make sense if you requested to be a moderator for the game so you could add this? PHatHome666 does not appear to be active and it would make sense to replace him.

Pennsylvania, USA

That was quick. Best Ending is added.

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