Category requests
4 years ago

I have a few runs of individual arcs in Kandagawa Jet Girls on my YT in what I can AnyRealTime% which I started running before the game was on SR.C

I was hoping categories could include:

Any RealTime% (so that time spent choosing characters and machines in chapters counts)

Any RaceTime% where the total time would be the accumulative race time, allowing for lots of fiddling and tweaking with team set up

And I think we should have a separate category for New Game runs.

So: AnyRealTime% AnyRaceTIme% NewGame AnyRealTime% NewGame AnyRaceTime%

And within each of the 4 categories have sub-cats for 'all arcs' or each individual arc

Agitated_Bees curtiram isso
Tennessee, USA

Requesting Time Attack categories:

Full Game: All Tracks First Variants (Day/A for the most part) All Tracks All Variants No Upgrades maybe? Too slow for me to bother with though.

ILs: IL for each variant of each course with an Upgrade and a No Upgrade category

imo IGT should be used exclusively for IL runs. Kind of torn on IRL vs IGT for full game runs, but lean toward IGT with how wildly load times can vary for this game. That would also make it easier to change jets/upgrades between levels which could be cool.

Chicago, IL, USA

added a decent few categories to the game. should keep you kids busy for a while. if there's anything that should be changed, i can issue mod rights

HeroSuki curtiram isso
Chicago, IL, USA

And I think we should have a separate category for New Game runs. doubt this will work. people acquire points that i don't think can be deleted. and they can be gotten outside of story mode. we shouldn't cut people out of a category perma just because they touched the game before finding this page

HeroSuki curtiram isso

Big thanks to stuco for setting this all up

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