Why is this verified
2 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago


This is literally the equivalent of using cranberry warp and resetting a tower. (Which is banned) ((Meaning this run shouldn't be verified)) (((Because every event items category being 1 millisecond is what you were trying to prevent by banning the cranberry warp reset thingie))) ((((And that's what this run is))))

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

@xe hi

Devon, England

I mean theres already practice obby runs which involve skipping half of it right off the bat, and there's no actual timer for practice obby runs + practice obby runs are shorter by nature

supercrazestar curtiram isso

I just realized we're talking about my run lol, I just did it for fun and the rules for practice obbies are kinda weird since it doesn't have many specifications about where or how to start and how much you're allowed to skip

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

@xe timer or not, as I said the entire reason you disallowed the sprite warp is because you didn't want every run to be a millisecond long, if people can skip half the obby right off the bat, good for them. Who cares if they're shorter by nature? that doesn't change anything, that's like saying warping to the end should be allowed on steeples because they're shorter by nature. You might as well not even have an event items leaderboard for practice obbies at this point, there's no competition if someone can just teleport straight to the end, which removes the entire purpose of the leaderboard existing in the first place, this - again is the exact reason you disallowed warping to the end.

Devon, England

I mean considering the fact that practice obbies with event items are going to either be instant or really fast by nature its not really too unfair to allow sprite wrap abuse in this instance unless it's something like ring 9 practice obby lol

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I'll say it again, this removes the purpose of a leaderboard

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