Proof Quality
4 years ago

Does video proof of runs need to be in captured quality, i started playing on Xbox 360, which i got recently, so i can stop playing on Comichimera's account, and i don't have a capture card, is video proof like this allowed anymore?

The camera wouldn't be shaking it would be set down as i play.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
Tennessee, USA

I'm obviously not a mod so I can't say 100% either way, that being said as long as the video has the full screen in view and the time is clearly read I would think you're good to go. My advice is send Zimmycakes or Comichimera a DM on it, or join in on the discord if possible.

Clexxer curtiram isso
Iowa, USA

Yeah I would think that's fine it's clear enough.

Clexxer curtiram isso

Thanks everyone, i just didn't want to get a really good run and then it not count because it didn't meet proof standards, thanks :)

United Kingdom

Yeah that quality is fine, as long as you have video of all of the run and the whole screen in visable.

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Announcement regarding Missing Video Proof

Following the announcement made on November 16th, regarding runs with video proof that were once publicly available but have since gone missing, I wanted to provide an update on the situation.

After extensive work over the past month, all 686 publicly available videos have been successfully

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