There should be a Speedrun category for the jellycar worlds demo
1 year ago

I'm really only saying this because I have Speedrun it recently but if we added the demo version, it could be fun for some players considering how short it is. we already have the demo levels so why not add the full demo?

W1lliPet e Klagarn curtiu isso
United States

I completely agree! I found a shortcut on the demos hub world that skips levels 1 4 5 6 7 and 8

Incorrectlyr2 curtiram isso

I found a shortcut that skips level 3 as well, beat it in under 2 minutes. Its on YouTube that you can probably find. But yeah it would be cool if it was added.

just wanna bring this up again but I still want it to be added. It makes it more accessable to people who cant afford the game (somehow) or just dont have access to it with their device.

Florida, USA
She/Her, They/Them
3 months ago

this scared the crap out of me

Super moderadorMetraberryy
She/Her, It/Its
7 days ago

this finally exists now, sorry it took so long

oh my God thank you! I completely forgot about this lol.