How to refine and update Bedwars category extension speedruns on
4 years ago
United Kingdom

This is an overview of suggestions that may have been made before or not, all put into one place for moderators to hopefully take action on. I will explain the reasoning for every suggestion. This thread is additional to one made on how to improve general Bedwars speedrunning. Leave any potential alterations and/or additional suggestions in the reply section.

  • Remove or move obtain item speedruns to miscellaneous Reasoning: These runs are (to be blunt) extremely pointless and dull. They take very little skill and and very luck and ping based.


  • Add build minimum height subcategory to build limit% Reasoning: For the category build height, it should be split into build height and built minimum. This is the lowest you can place block. It could be a fun subcategory

  • Rules generally need to be clearer and more fair Reasoning: Dream modes shouldn't be allowed in any runs that aren't Dream specific speedruns. Use of parties should be more consistent/clear. One possibility is to split it into subcategories for party and no party. For example, potion runs and nether runs should be solo/doubles/3v3v3v3/4v4v4v4 only


  • Remove all effects and 6 effects speedruns Reasoning: All effects is almost impossible and six effects' RNG is ridiculous for an already player dependent speedrun

  • New team upgrades categories Explanation: A few team upgrade categories that would be fun to run, for example, prot 4 in solo mode, or trap speedruns. This has gained popularity recently with YouTubers such as GamerBoy80 and Vixon who attempts this challenge in their videos

  • New backround Reasoning: The backround is of a build battle build that looks pretty bleak. A new screenshot of something like a CTW map or a skywars map would be a lot nicer

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