9 years ago
Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

If someone see this then cool.

I was the sole runner of this game for months (I started like the day the game came out l o l) and I pretty much had to make the categories from scratch as they are all arbitrary in definition and the game has no clear end state because no credits and shit.

Do you have any opinions on the categories and rulings etc. ? I was thinking that maybe All Panties should end on unlocking Alpha Mode instead but I think that would just add boring, unnecessary menuing and the game is kind of a meme anyways so I didn't do that.

Michigan, USA

Add All Panties (Easy) and I'd suggest a category for just the initial 8's panties as well. Me and 4 others did all panties easy

Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

All Panties doesn't imply which difficulty you should use. I use Easy because everything else is suicide

United States

I don't know if this post will ever be seen so I'll to to contact yall in other places, but Homie% should have an easy/normal/hard distinction or at least an easy mode. Me and a friend def want to run Homie% on easy, cuz bad but memes.

Also, for bonus memes, adding separate categories for each girl to all for some fun routing out categories that are still decently short (because meme game). Eg: Bang Beli, Assfuck Audrey, Jerk on Jessie, etc. Because, you know, memes.

Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

Homie% Hard is only a thing because of an ancient video. The category name in the video title is "Homie% Hard" thus I, along with Blaze, think that that should be the only category of that sort. I personally don't think having separate categories for every meme you can do is good for the leaderboards. One might say, what's the loss, but as I've been a part of other communities I really like how only the main meme categories usually have leaderboards.

For example Spyro 2 has like 25 different categories that people have done, but only 7 have leaderboards, and out of the meme categories only those which have some history have leaderboards. Actually, I probably should remove All Panties (Hard) too, I've only ever tried doing it because I felt it would be fun (it's just slow), but it's definitely the hardest relatively sane category for the game (no one will do 100%) so I think it has some purpose.

I personally think keeping the leaderboards relatively clean is better than flooding it with memes. And also, some extensive routing and time has went into this game as a whole, so I see it as more than a meme myself :) it's an insanely fun speedgame and I'd love more people to try to get good at it.

United States

As the world record holder for literally all/most categories runable in this game, and not an active runner, your opinion is more damaging to the running of this game in general. Discouraging routing and advancement based on you being the only runner in certain categories seems simply to be an attempt to discourage other runners from even playing the game in a speedrun fashion. If double the amount of people want to run a category differently than the one person who has ran it, it's abusive to keep it as the only category as the WR holder. So, I guess RIP this game due to poor administration/WR holder abuse.

Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

I'm not some sole insane super moderator, there is a moderator team for this game. You can also try to contact Blazephlozard to hear his opinions, which are most likely the exact same as mine (he is very busy with other games nowadays). The moderator team, however, is small, as a very small amount of people have ran this game competitively.

I'm not active, as I've optimized these categories as far as I care without any recent real competition. I legitimately care about this game and these leaderboards and the moment someone beats my PBs I'm going to be very happy and jump back into the grind.


Although I don't really run this game I'm gonna throw in my two cents here:

Just because someone holds multiple world records doesn't mean that he is trying to hog them, in fact I would think the opposite is the case, most people WANT competition, especially in an inactive speed game.

I also think that the amount of arbitrary categories should be kept to a minimum, even if they are hidden behind a misc. flag, "misc." isn't a justification to add unreasonable categories. Not saying that Homie% would be unreasonable, but I don't really see the point of adding it, especially since your only reasoning was because you're "too bad to run the 'real' category". I strongly believe that categories and rules should always be modelled based on rational, objective factors and not personal convenience, even if it's just a meme category, but maybe I'm overreacting here.

You can still route and run any category you want though, even if there's no leaderboard for it, and there is actually another Homie% run, so you do have competition:

United States

That run you just posted is ran on Easy, which means there are 3 people who run Homie% on easy- more than the one who runs it on hard. There's a rational, objective factor. It is literally 3 times as popular of a category, than the "hard" category.

Another rational, objective factor: The "main" category, Get Laid, is sectioned into difficulties. It would only be logical to apply the same to other categories, especially when Get Laid itself is rather arbitrary.

And a final rational, objective factor: All Panties, the other longer category, is ran by default on easy- as it is the fastest category. This is a speedrunning game, encouraging playing the game on hard is far more arbitrary than attempting to hear kyu say "thanks for the sex homie" quickly. I can't think of any other game that is required to be ran on hard, the only time it happens is when hard is somehow faster.

Also, the "moderation team" is the top 3 of EVERY category except one. There is no way this can be seen as objective. Especially when none of them are currently active in playing or routing the game, this simply disallows evolution of how the game is ran. Without a voice in the community, it is honestly hard to get motivated in routing stuff if I know it will simply be shut down.

It is true that we can route other categories, but it removes a sense of competition and community if growth is stagnated by those in power.

You can also try to contact Blazephlozard to hear his opinions This just goes to show that you are likely the only active person moderating these forums, if they cannot even be involved in discussion of running the game.

In terms of keeping the leader board clean, it wouldn't really be dirtied by adding difficulties under each category instead of separating them to misc categories. Every category should be runnable on the fastest settings. In your own words, the game is more than a meme, it's a speedrun. This isn't


If one day a HuniePop speedrunner just decided, "Kyu's dialogue is funny, let's make that a meme category.", then I would totally agree with all the points you have given and I think the category should be run on the fastest difficulty. But that's not the reason why this category exists, it exists because it's a reference to a semi-popular meme video, which clearly describes the category as Homie% Hard, so it only makes sense to take that like it is.

I don't necessarily agree with the idea of adding a new category because of a meme video, but since the fact that you want to run Homie% on Easy presupposes the existence of Homie% Hard, I think Homie% Hard has more reason to be a category than an altered version of it.

For the record, I don't consider Get Laid the main category for this game, it shouldn't even be a category in my opinion, but that's not really important. I agree that if one category has a difficulty division, all other (main) categories should have one too, although I'd rather none of them have one. I don't think this should necessarily apply for misc. categories too though.

The popularity argument comes up a lot when people are discussing categories and I can certainly see why a popular category would be added, opposed to a more unpopular category, but I still disagree with it. A mass of people can still collectively make bad decisions, just because a lot of people are doing it doesn't mean it's the right thing. I give it to you though that ultimately the masses decide, for example the reason Get Laid is considered the main category is because the most people run it, so I'm not sure what to think about this argument anymore.

I realize that I probably sound very negative, but I actually agree with a lot of your points, I just think in this particular instance your category has no leg to stand on. Ultimately I'm pretty indifferent if Homie% gets added as a category, as much as I am indifferent about Homie% Hard being a category in the first place, the only reason I'm arguing here is to present my personal opinions for other people to consider, but I'm fine with being in the wrong.

I'm sorry if I made anybody's life harder by writing these posts.

Editado por o autor 8 years ago
United States

How now, don't apologize for your opinions. We are having a civilized discussion here, despite the touchy nature of the subjects being addressed.

Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

The categories here are mostly just what the original huniepop runners competed in back in mid 2015. For example, Unlock Venus was created to fill the void of a semi-long category. You do have a point about adding difficulties to UV and AP, the leaderboards would be rather empty but they wouldn't really hurt anyone. Also would get rid of the ugly AP hard in the meme categories.

perpetucake curtiram isso
West Virginia, USA

If kyu says so, fairies better than human girls am I right or am I right RIP Homie% dude

Michigan, USA

Get Laid, Unlock Venus, All Panties, and Homie%/Get Laid by Kyu I think are all unique in their definitions. Get Laid is like an any% of sorts. All Panties is true any% I suppose. Unlock Venus is, well, unlocking a character, and while homie% might seem like something arbitrary like "fuck 2 girls" its not really. There's not a clear end to the game so defining certain objectives is all we can do. I think flooding the boards with each character is a bad idea since the only thing that would change is the time of day order. I don't think categories other than the 4 defined (branching off for difficulty) can really happen without being really arbitrary. I should come back to this game if some people want to take it serious, I think that's p cool.

West Virginia, USA

I'm taking it seriously because I find the game to be a lot of fun. The only real running to doing the game IMO is that the only place I can really stream it is on hitbox and because I have spent extensive amounts of time streaming on twitch I have virtually 0 following on hitbox sadly

West Virginia, USA

wow okay the only real downside to running the game IMO¤

sorry grammar sucks when you're drunk lolol

West Virginia, USA

is the only way to get her to say thanks for the sex homie to beat sex under a certain amount of time? Just asking because i've attempted 2 runs now and gotten her to say something else every time and I don't know whether it's just rng or she says different things due to the amount of time you spend on sex

Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

pretty sure it's just rng

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