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4 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Vocês poderiam criar uma categoria separada para o psp e emulador de psp e me colocar como moderador por favor? Could you create a separate category for the psp and psp emulator and put me as a moderator please?

Michigan, USA

Hey, so PSP is really complicated with the Harry Potter Games. The PSP version of HP4 should be significantly faster than any other version of the game due to the Bathroom level not being present and the overall shield requirement being lower. The problem is that the game lags like crazy when playing with an official disc on an official PSP. The general rule in speedrunning is that the fastest version for a game must always be an official release on official unmodified hardware. So, the problems with PSP:

  • Emulator has significantly faster loads and much less lag. To see this you can look at these two runs. The first was completed on emulator, the second on an official disc on an official PSP with official capture hardware. These two runs had roughly the same execution level, both would be about a 1:10 if played on PC, but the emulator run is over 20 minutes faster from lag and loads again. For this reason, PSP emulator is banned completely from HP speedruns.
  • The easiest way to play this game on official hardware is to soft mod the console and install the game iso to the console itself, running the game as a digital version. However, digital versions load significantly faster and lag a lot less than physical versions of games. Since this game was never released on the online playstation store, digital versions are not considered official versions and therefore are not allowed.
  • The easiest way to capture an official PSP is to softmod the console and stream the footage directly to a PC (e.g. remotejoy). This overclocks the CPU in order to handle the video output, therefore increasing the game speed, lowering load times, reducing lag. Again, this would not be allowed in speedruns as it would be faster than an official unmodified PSP.

Additionally, since using the sony PSP component cables adds a fair bit of lag, this means the fastest allowed way to play this game on PSP would be to play on an official PSP, with a physical UMD, and captured by pointing a webcam at a PSP. Since the game is already fairly different from the PC version, it doesn't really make sense to compare the two on the same leaderboard, so the game would need a separate category/subcategory. Since there has been no interest in the community of running this game on official hardware, we don't really have any reason to add a leaderboard.

While we have no intent on adding PSP to the main HP4 leaderboard, we can still add it to Harry Potter Category Extensions if there is enough interest ( If you record a run and DM it to me or post it here we can add HP4 PSP to CE with emulator allowed.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
Nixxo curtiram isso
Michigan, USA

As for moderator, the Harry Potter community is fairly closely tied together and as such moderators are decided by the members of the community as a whole. To become a moderator, there are a few requirements that must be met:

  • The individual must be an active member of the community as a whole
  • The individual must be an active or recent runner of the game in question
  • The individual must have shown themselves to be trustworthy within the community
  • There must be a need for additional moderators for the game in question
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