Track Time Starting Position
2 years ago
United States

I’ve started running a few individual tracks, and was wondering if there should be any specification of which position to start the race in? I’m very new to the community so I’m not sure what the usual protocol is. A few records save a couple seconds by starting in 1st place instead of 10th (Tour 1 tracks 3/4 for example). Not trying to question any runs, just trying to figure out how I should practice these!

Firesplitter curtiram isso
Västernorrland, Sweden

Initially I thought it was practice position (as in last place), but once I saw that someone posted runs where they started in 1st I assumed that was the way to go, especially as the runner who started to post these is a leaderboard moderator.

I hold no strong feelings either way (except that I might have to change the titles of some videos), both timing methods have merit to them to be honest.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
lvcy curtiram isso
United States

Yeah, there's definitely merit to both--obviously practice position is easier to practice, but 1st place does have a much lower in-game timer, which is all that matters in the current rules. I noticed that all of the first IL runs from Pokehero are all taken out of a single full-game run, so it makes sense that he'd have 1st place already carried over every time. Separating that run into ILs seemed like more of a way to quickly build out the speedrun categories rather than special dedication to each level.

In contrast, newer runs from Vu16 are all from practice position, since it's easier to optimize repeated runs without worrying about starting placement. And you have some very good runs with each of the two approaches. Personally, I like 10th better because it makes it easier to practice, but I can't deny the difference in time between the two. I think for now I'll stick with practice position, but if a mod confirms that starting 1st is a valid approach, I'll switch over.

Västernorrland, Sweden

Yeah, the reason why I have mixed is mostly because I did update some of my PBs with older runs, currently waiting for a Wii U charging cable as driving is faster on the Wii U on many courses due to the infamous 1.0.1 update to the Switch version.

Texas, USA

Yeah there is no rule on starting position as it stands. I definitely understand the merit of keeping it consistent for sure. If desired I am all for making ILs be done on Practice, no sweat off my back.

United States

For lap time I don’t think there’s a difference either way, so the change would only affect full ILs? And for some tracks like Tour 1 Town Center I think it’s actually better for a full level run to start last to get the boost pad. For consistency’s sake, I’d support switching to practice position, but as someone with only unverified runs so far, I’ll defer to whatever you more experienced runners decide.

Texas, USA

Hello lvcy,

I have chosen to not verify any runs until this rule change is settled as it can affect the times by a considerable margin. If one of the other runners of ILs casts a vote in favor of practice position I'll run it by the other mods and get it changed, otherwise, if there is dissent against it, then we will go from there. Thanks!

lvcy curtiram isso
Västernorrland, Sweden

I hold no strong feelings either way as I have said previously. There is merit to both points, but if I had to chose I would go with free starting position as that makes it posible to submit good individlal times from full game runs. However, due to the fact that Wii U is faster from a driving perspective after 1.0.1 and the Wii U version being pretty horrible to do full runs on I think this is a minimal point in favour of it, but ultimately, I do slightly favour free start.

But I do, once again, hold no strong feelings either way on this topic and my opinion is heavily affected by the fact that I primarely run this game in full rather than individual levels.

Texas, USA

Sorry for the delay guys, I have been busy and there has been some discussion relating to the ruling. Gonquai and I have decided to make ILs only done within Practice mode. The rule will go into effect starting March 28th, 2022, and the IL runs on the leaderboards will be adjusted to match the new rule change.

Thank you everyone for your patience and discussion! - Pokehero

Firesplitter e lvcy curtiu isso
Västernorrland, Sweden

Did the rule change happen? I still see old runs on the board and no changes in the rules on the leaderboard. I want to know as I am going to start practicing levels soon, and I do not want to submit illegal runs nor unoptimal runs. I will start with all the 1st levels where the rule chane makes no difference first though.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Pokehero curtiram isso
Texas, USA

Yes! While I was slow to take off runs that were not done in Practice Mode (I was finishing up graduating college, sorry!), all runs accepted have been abiding by the rule change.

Additionally, the backlog of runs have finally been accepted, my apologies for everyone waiting on their time to be verified, but I appreciate your patience! - Pokehero