[As of yet] Unbeaten H1/ H2 ET Records
3 years ago
United States

This may not be fully up to date, and some mechanics may have changed between games, use your best judgement. Following times are for SA or SASO category, and no ephone for H2 runs or fire extinguisher kills for H2016 runs, unless noted otherwise.

Revolutionary- 8s by Dariux 13s by punkstarfunk

Black Hat- 19s by punkstarfunk

Chameleon- 43s by punkstarfunk

Entertainer- 60s by punkstarfunk

Badboy- 1m2s by Frote (H2016 run, no ephone but obviously stuff will be a bit different)

Bookkeeper- 38s by Frote (h2016 run)

Undying Returns- 26s by punkstarfunk

Gunrunner- 42s by Dariux, no ephone

Prince- 29s by Dariux

Serial Killer- 32s by Dariux

Guru and Congressman- See lk0906's run of Deceivers, as Deceivers is just Guru+Congressman

Entertainer- 1m35s by SpeedsterRunner (no ephone)

Blackmailer- 26s by Frote

Sensation- 36s by Frote, H2016

1m11s by Andy Wong

Ex-Dictator 36s by Frote

Surgeons 1m43s by Frote

14s by Pagan

47s by Alex Niedt (no FE)

36s by Mendie 37s by fkgfw 41s by Frote

Fixer 8m38s by RoussJ

Editado por iamrdil 3 years ago
New York, USA

mendie's Forger is no longer possible, his spawn location was moved, not sure exactly when. Maybe he will be coming soon in H3 👀

Solderq35 curtiram isso
New York, USA

Update regarding the forger: I made a video on the change:

hunybuns e Solderq35 curtiu isso
Estatísticas do jogo
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