Is it alright if i submit with a widescreen resolution?
4 months ago

My highest resolution i can submit with is 5120x1440, but i can submit with maybe 2560x1080. its just so uncomfortable playing with 1920x1200 or 1920x1440 because its just so small on the screen.

Czech Republic

As long as the game natively supports such options, it's usually allowed to submit runs with those settings, current rules don't specify any resolution requirements. If you're using an external tool or a mod to get these resolutions, that's obviously something to discuss with mods.


Thanks! It has built in widescreen support and resolutions so im gonna do my runs with it i guess. Although i hop its not hurtful to the eyes of the mods.

United States

obs will probably not output the video to that resolution. i play on a widescreen and my recordings are not wide. no complaints so far on any of my vods.

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