[may delete this after] @user7899 regarding PC
7 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

@user7899 I was wanting to enquire about your step process with getting the PC Version to work on your PC I myself am running a Windows 10 PC/GTX 1070/16GB Ram, is there any 3d party program I need to use to get this working, thanks.

MasterLeoBlue curtiram isso
United States

Well what exactly is this issue? You aren't specific as to what is going wrong.

Western Australia, Australia

@nyarlathotep Similar issues to what I had a few months ago attempting this, I have tried running it normally and with DXWND, my game crashed at the Artificial Mind + Movement Logo

@Jumpluff mmh well the holidays are just around the corner..

Jumpyluff e MasterLeoBlue curtiu isso
Western Australia, Australia

Cancel that ran it in Compatibility mode with Windows 98 and it worked, my only issue is launching the game in DXWND

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
MasterLeoBlue curtiram isso
United States

hmmmm. I can work this out with you one to one on discord if you're down.

Saiyanz curtiram isso
Western Australia, Australia

Yeah im down send me a friend request and DM Me my Discord is in my sr.com profile

I've found the following in the comments of a YouTube video. You said that the game crashed at the Artificial Mind logo. I've had the same problem after downloading from a certain source. A few more people have had the same problem. You said that you've fixed it, but you changed your Windows to 98, which is old. Maybe you can make it work on Windows 10. The following may work: right click TheGrinch.exe, click Properties, Compatibility, then change some things there. I put arrows everywhere and changed to Windows 7 and this fixed it for me but I was using Windows 7. Another person said to enable reduced colour mode and select 16-bit, then click apply, but I think that there was no reduced colour mode for me. Also some people may not know that to open the book in the game you have to press F1, not ESC. Maybe don't delete this thread because it may help someone.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
Jumpyluff e Saiyanz curtiu isso
Colorado, USA

I have Windows 10 and bought The Grinch PC disc. At first, I experienced the same crashing issue at the Artificial Mind logo, but with these settings, I have passed it and have been able to begin the game: https://i.imgur.com/jMCJ8aX.png

Whether I configure the game's controls with keyboard or joystick, it still reads my xbox controller's inputs in an annoying way, even though I'd just rather use JoyToKey. It thinks select/start move camera, A to enter first person view etc. Is there a way to start the game in a way to ignore the controller so I can keybind the buttons I need as if I'm playing on keyboard with these keys? https://i.imgur.com/isYR6uU.png

I also haven't gotten around it booting in fullscreen, but that's a lesser inconvenience with 2 monitors. Any help would be appreciated!

Saiyanz e MasterLeoBlue curtiu isso
United States

Back when I was on Windows 7 it did not crash at all on the startup logos. Windows 10 is a glob of shit that Microsoft wants to constantly jam down our throats. A bulky and unoptimized mess of unnecessary features and lack of personalization Sorry I don't have a fix for it being windowed I just wanted to vent frustrations about Win10. On Win7 all I needed to do is use DxWND and it would just work. Everything just worked

A much more drastic measure however to get the game into windowed mode and maybe fix some other things is to setup up a WinXP VM and run in through there. The VM is windowed and perhaps the controller could be worked around with this setup The only problem is the the possibility of inaccuracies from running through a VM. We can debate the legitimacy of a VM but it feels extreme for something so simple.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

I have gotten a controller working with my PS2 controller but the controls were retarded, then I have also gotten it working windowed mode but the keyboard nor controller works neither does JoyToKey I also use Windows 10 only person who quotes getting his PC Copy working Windowed with a controller is Hashii

MasterLeoBlue curtiram isso
United States

Here's exactly what I did to get PC version working. I am currently running Windows 7 Professional (32-bit) (if the game just isn't working in general try right clicking the grinch exe file and try running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP, and just try messing around with the settings in there like run in 256 colors etc)

  1. Run DxWnd ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/files/latest/download )
  2. Once DxWnd is open, Right Click > Add > Path > The Grinch.exe.
  3. Once you have the "Path" set to The Grinch.exe file, target the Grinch.exe on the "Launch" section as well.
  4. Press the "Try" Button at the bottom and see if the game works.

If you want to use a controller, just get Joy2Key and match the keys up. If you have any questions let me know.

MasterLeoBlue curtiram isso
United States

Well of course it works on Windows 7. You lucky bastard.

How to set up xbox360 controller with game on pc?

Colorado, USA

JoytoKey, probably. I'm not sure, though!

Editado por o autor 4 years ago

But dont know how? i cant make controller to work in game

didnt get controller work yet

Colorado, USA

Can you describe what part you're struggling with? If you are able to join the discord server, we can help a lot quicker there.

i can contact to discord, can anyone send config?

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